True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

7/10 People Fooled By Chris Watts’ Version of Events [POLL]

Chris Watts told investigators he had an argument with his wife before killing her. Makes sense, right? And if he said he had an argument, that part must be true. If he also killed the children, did he have an argument with each of them too? Okay so maybe he did. So why did his argument/s then matter and not the hundreds of arguments they’d had on any other day?

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The question of argument basically addresses the issue of whether this was premeditated murder or not. 7/10 people say it wasn’t premeditated murder, that Chris Watts simply got into an argument and became emotional. He’s that kind of guy. In other words, 7/10 people believe Chris Watts’ version of events. If the Colorado jury that’s going to decide on this case is anything like the majority of people, the prosecution may have a difficult case on their hands.

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What do you think? Argument or no argument?

Intuitively people are on the right track. There tend to be arguments precipitating murders, which is why true crime is chock-full of murder-accused who deny this. OJ Simpson. Scott PetersonCasey Anthony. Burke Ramsey. Amanda Knox. Oscar Pistorius. Henri van Breda.

The issue isn’t whether their were arguments, but when they happened. We know there were arguments.

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But we should be cautious taking Chris Watts’ word – for anything. Here’s why.

In excerpts from the affidavit below, reading between the lines, Chris Watts is careful to describe a “quiet” argument. In other words, they’re confronting one another about separating and about his affair with his work colleague, but neither him nor Shan’ann are raising their voices at 02:00 or 04:00 or whenever this emotional conversation was supposed to have happened.

If it happened, did anyone hear it? The neighbor who heard how the tone of the dog’s bark changed in the day, could they not hear raised voices in the dead of a summer night?

When, in the history of confrontations between couples about cheating has the aggrieved party not raised their voice? And yet the affidavit uses words like “began talking” and “civil conversation”. It was “not an argument” because he “told” Shan’ann this and went to “speak” to her about that.Fullscreen capture 20181028 030600

What about Shan’ann? Did she respond to being told and his speaking by telling him things in return, and speaking in a civil tone in her response? There’s nothing here about how she’s speaking or responding to being told – in the wee hours of the morning after her business trip – sorry honey, I’ve been cheating on you, I’m done.

His first story in his Sermon on the Porch was that they had this quiet conversation and Shan’ann simply said, ‘Okay then, I think I’ll go visit a friend today.’ The affidavit is an adaptation of that ruse, and not a good one.

Knowing what we know about Shan’ann, that she was pregnant, that she was an extrovert, that she was the dominant factor in the relationship, that she was the more emotional of the couple, and what happened during her first marriage [see below] does this quiet, civil conversation nonsense ring true? It shouldn’t.

What Chris Watts is playing for in his affidavit is a credible excuse for why no neighbors heard arguing that night. Either they argued quietly, the first couple in history to do so, and the first family murder to take place after a polite conversation in history, or it was a premeditated murder and it was silent for that reason.


  1. Pauline

    Talked to a friend in Denver yesterday who said there is nothing I’ve said that would lead him to believe this was premeditated. He offered up a theory that the girls saw Chris kill Sha’nann so he had to kill them. This is his theory, his opinion.

    It’s been discussed here that if the girls were dead before Chris was seen barbecuing alone, before 7:30 p.m. on the 12th of August, he would have a very long wait from sometime then and 2 a.m. Possibly 8 hours. Granted he thought she would arrive sooner, and without seeing her phone we don’t know what time she informed him of the flight delay. Even if the girls were “gone” closer to 10 p.m. he still has four hours. My question is if he prepared himself mentally to commit murder prior to the beginning of the killings, how does he prepare himself to commit it a third time. Or put another way, what was he doing for hours waiting for her to arrive home.

    There is a neighbor on the witness list. Nathan Trinastich of 2905 Saratoga Trail. Is it possible Trinastich heard something or saw something? Maybe a light turned on at an odd time of night or was he the neighbor who saw Chris barbecuing. Chris had alot of “time to kill” so to speak, and I wonder what he was doing with it.

    • nickvdl

      What time does he think this happened? As he was leaving for work?

    • nickvdl

      Regarding your other questions:

      1. My question is if he prepared himself mentally to commit murder prior to the beginning of the killings, how does he prepare himself to commit it a third time. Or put another way, what was he doing for hours waiting for her to arrive home.

      The quick answer is that he was barbecuing. Probably watched a little television too. Maybe he Googled a few unknowns, maybe he watched a movie or read a book about crime.

      But it sounds like you’re suggesting all the premeditation happened that night. All those trips to CERVI 319 for weeks and months the thought never occurred to him? And he never thought about when was a good time?

      Again, analogous to the Scott Peterson case [and the Ramsey case if you like, and Casey Anthony], what was he doing for hours – he could have been shifting money, clothes, possessions, jewelry. He could have been scrubbing social media and his own phone. Shan’ann arrived home just two hours later than she was meant to, not even enough time to convince him to abandon his plan.

      An interesting question that arises – when Shan’ann told him her flight was delayed, probably around 18:00, were the children already dead? And was Chris Watts originally meant to pick her up from the airport?

      2. There is a neighbor on the witness list. Nathan Trinastich of 2905 Saratoga Trail. Is it possible Trinastich heard something or saw something?

      Yes he did. If you read the affidavit the surveillance footage is his.

      More here:

    • Yolzy

      He admitted that after he strangled her , Bella walked in an asked “what’s wrong with mummy?” He told her that she’s sick and told Bella to leave. He wrapped his wife in a sheet off the bed and took her down stairs, took the girls with him. Drive to his work place. Smothered both girls, first CC then Bella. Bella asked “are you going to do to me what you did to CC?” …he started to smother Bella she said “no daddy!”
      Go listen to his interview with the investigators

      • nickvdl

        Chris Watts saying something isn’t evidence. You need actual evidence to back up a statement and there isn’t any. None. Zero. This isn’t even True Crime 101 it’s Kindergarten 101.

  2. Pauline

    He thinks it would be immediately after strangling Sha’nann, close to the 2 a.m. -2:30 a.m. time frame. That gives Watts roughly 3 hours to get everyone in the truck.

    • nickvdl

      Well if he said 4 or 5, that would have left almost no time for cadaver odor to form. As you say, conversely if it’s at 02:00, just how long was their emotional conversation?

  3. Pauline

    What I should have done was ask how much time would that leave for an emotional conversation. Eliminate the emotional conversation and we have premeditation.

  4. Pauline

    Just saw your answers above. In my opinion all of those drives to and from work gave him plenty of time to plot and plan. He’s driving in open country there, he’s not driving on a jammed up freeway where all of your attention is on traffic and trying to stay alive.

    Nathan T. is the neighbor with the dashcam. I see.

    If you think about all of the time he had to wait, I see a cold blooded killer. Not an emotional hot-blooded angry man, at all. He planned, he waited, he plotted, he was deft, he even did the dishes, didn’t he.

    • nickvdl

      The one thing Chris Watts doesn’t appear to be right through his backstory until now is openly emotional.

  5. Pauline

    Laci and Sha’nann had a lot in common as neither women I suspect, had a proper read on their husbands or suspected in the least what they could be capable of.

    • nickvdl

      Well, both women I believe knew their husband’s were having affairs and kept up a pretense that they didn’t, which I think exerted critical pressure on husband/mistress/marriage. But you’re right, they didn’t think an affair etc. would cost them their lives.

    • Spock

      You are so very right Pauline. Both of them completely blindsided.

  6. Pauline

    Now Nicole Brown Simpson said “OJ’s going to kill me and get away with it” and kept a diary of his abuse – yet still lived nearby, didn’t take the children and go into protective hiding and one of the reasons for this I think is the powerful control his money had over her. His money bought her condo on Bundy and her white Ferrari. Another interesting parallel between Laci and Sha’nann is both women weren’t feeling well close to their demise. Laci complained of being tired, she looked sad and worn down at the Christmas party Scott couldn’t attend, and Sha’nann said she wasn’t feeling well during the Thrive weekend in Arizona.

    • nickvdl

      All good points. There are many ways people can be locked-in against their will. Money is one. The threat of being humiliated socially is one we often forget. Pregnancy, for Shan’ann’s perspective is a huge form of lock-in. However the pregnancy came about, once she was pregnant, the options for both him and her suddenly became fewer [or it felt that way].

      • Right44

        “The threat of being humiliated socially.”

        That threat is extremely powerful. Underneath all the excuses and reasons given in so many situations lies the real truth and it is so often exactly as you have stated. Women remain in abusive marriages and so do men. Parents lie and cover up for their children. Just two examples of the fear of social humiliation.

        There’s much more to this case than that alone, but that sentence from you jumped out at me and I chose to address just that before reading further.

  7. Spock

    We know Chris Watts was blabbering on about having an “emotional conversation” to just about anyone who would listen on Monday. First tells NUA, then Officer Coonrod, then Detective Baumhover.
    To state the obvious – that statement is either part of the plan or part of the cover up. If it’s part of the cover up then that’s the simple answer. There was a fight and he’s afraid someone heard it.
    If it’s part of the plan it becomes a little harder to see where he’s heading with this plan.
    Did he plan that statement before the murders or did he have to adjust his plan and that became a new narrative after the murders.
    Whatever the case, that statement was like waving a red flag in front of a bull to the police. I imagine you could hear Officer Coonrod’s mental radar screaming 5 blocks away.
    I’m leaning toward that statement being a new narrative after the murders. Why does he need a new plan? Because her crazy friend is at the house calling the police and he’s had to hastily throw dirt over his wife’s body and he’s headed home to an “unfinished” crime scene to meet with a cop. At this time, is it possible he’s rolling to Plan B because he thinks he might be screwed? Plan B is she killed the kids.
    I think he’s smart enough to know he’s in deep shit at that point.

    • Spock

      It’s also possible that he just held the line on Plan A (we had a conversation about separating and she went to visit a friend) and then converted to Plan B at the police station (she killed the kids after I said I was leaving). It’s possible he had concocted Plan A to leave himself the option of Plan B.
      He might have thought that he could get back to CERVI 319 after meeting with the cop and NUA. Maybe he did go back Monday night.

  8. Pauline

    Don’t forget the cadaver dog, barking, smelling death all over the house, alerting his handler that the family didn’t just “go missing” on the very day he’s outside holding court on his porch.

  9. Chip

    I wonder if maybe he had already killed the kids and taken them out there before she came home from her trip.

  10. Charles Edison

    Shanann asked Chris if he could take off Monday to take the kids to school. He said he could “make that happen”. Yet he never asked, that we know of. Instead he chose to ask to go to Cervi 319 and that Sunday afternoon made that call to his friend to ensure that. He also was told to get the girls backpacks ready for school because she was coming home late. Yet no mention of the act or the bags bring found packed. He let the girls FaceTime before bed after feeding them cold pizza (the second time that day) from the night before. He did not even bother cooking for them that Sunday. He didn’t complete the laundry that night or do any house work over the weekend. Something his wife would be upset over. He decision had been made.

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