Is this real life? It’s going to be so much fun….so…um…everybody…this like, this is what I do for a living. See, I’m working right now, showing you how amazing this stuff is. I love this mobile office. Hey Heather! It’s humid. We come from Colorado where it’s extremely dry. Or at least it is for me. My [skin] is absorbing all this moisture right now. It doesn’t even know how to handle it. It’s um…it’s crazy…um…sorry. Um…so…super excited to see everybody this week. Hey Mandy! Um…hey Dad! Hey Ashley! So…um…so my sun um…my sun! My skin is really enjoying this moisture. My hair is not, cos in a about five minutes it’s gonna be a big frizz-ball. Oh my God, look at this over here. Hold on.
Chris and I are starving, like seriously legit, starving. Say ‘hi’. Look how much weight he’s lost, dude. Skinny mini other there. So um…when I started with Le-Vel, I mean his shirts were 2X. He’s wearing a medium now. Seriously. You froze on me. I’ll see you soon. We’re gonna get some steak and lobster and some food – drinks are on me. Um, just saying. It’s all inclusive. [Laughs]. Did you hear me? Alright, love I’m gonna call you.
“I’m gonna hop off here guys…um y’all guys, I’m so sorry in advance, but I will be flooding your news feed with this amazingness over here, all weekend long, till Monday. So beware. if you don’t wanna see it, I’m sorry. It’s gorgeous. Alright bye guys.
#Pinchme#Isthisreallife #Isthisreally Work
At about 1 minute into the video above, Shan’ann tells her audience the floor of the Hyatt hotel they’re staying in has been newly renovated, and you can still smell the paint. She’s standing in a tiled bathroom as she says this.
This entire enterprise is grotesque. I don’t even know how it’s legal—98 percent of these folks make on average less than $1.50 per week. And this startling statistic doesn’t even speak to the thousands of dollars they will be in debt, since the majority of the money made (mostly by the MLM corporate masters) isn’t based on retail sales but on luring other hapless victims into what will be their financial ruination. In short, most of the company’s sales are made to other promoters under the impression they will be able to sell products to an actual clientele base. And, of course, these companies know that naive newbies from po-dunk like Shan’ann and Chris will be sending home videos featuring their fabulous lifestyle: hotel rooms with views, luxury cars, cheesy entertainment, and drinks—lots of alcohol, because any extended period of sobriety might enable MLM victims to reclaim their senses before it’s too late—per the sad testimonials on the Herbalife thread. When the butcher’s bill finally arrives (it doesn’t take too long), MLMs know that most now-broke promoters will not relay the disastrous results of their having been “employed” by one of these companies, because, much like rape victims, they are too ashamed to tell the sordid tale. In Shan’ann’s words, “amazing”!!
One last word, per the Herbalife tragic testimonials above, one victim said they signed on because Sean Hannity said it was a great way to make a living, be independent—all-American pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps rah rah stuff. True crime, indeed. Figures.
And yet there are some people on this site still defending it, and still saying they don’t think it had anything to do with the motive. We know Shan’ann was drinking the Kool-Aid, and maybe he started off drinking it, but when Niko came along it was important to see the rewards for those efforts. If there weren’t going to be any, guess who was going to have to keep picking up the tab?
Agreed, Nick. The real job, Chris’s, versus the fantasy job, Shan’ann’s, was likely already paying the MLM butcher’s bill. Tragically, another butcher’s bill was being tabulated and finally arrived on August 12th and 13th. Reading through all of the MLM-focused threads this morning made me sick/angry and, honestly, very sorry for Chris, Shan’ann, and especially the children, as they were all victimized by this scam, which, I think, figures prominently into their ultimate tragedy. I know Chris committed the murders and he has to possess a nascent coldness to murder all of them; however, I wonder if their finances had been such that he didn’t feel trapped, would he have simply have left and pursued a divorce? I mean what differentiates someone who kills for sport/pleasure versus killing for a seemingly single-minded purpose—such as escaping a bad marriage and pursuing a new life? In the end, I think you have people, especially in this case, children, whose lives have been snuffed out. Given their tragedy, maybe trying to differentiate Chris’s crime (was it an aberration?) from, for example, serial killers doesn’t matter other than trying to understand why.
Thank you for assembling and posting the MLM information and videos. They really delivered the full impact of this tragedy.