“I’ve seen DUI cases take longer to resolve than this case…[and] frankly, if you can’t convict the Aurora Theater shooter in Arapahoe County, which is a very conservative jurisdiction, you may not be able to do it in Weld County either…”
True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek
“I’ve seen DUI cases take longer to resolve than this case…[and] frankly, if you can’t convict the Aurora Theater shooter in Arapahoe County, which is a very conservative jurisdiction, you may not be able to do it in Weld County either…”
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Hi scott i read nicole and chris were sued by her husb prob alination of affection the husb even bought a big ad telling about the lawsuit calling her a “cheating wife” this happened way bk 2017 !!!! I heard a psychic thinks chris met shannnan front door told her kids were in same room psychic sd the kids were tied up — he had gun— wanted to destroy her first by watching him murder daughters im deff going to by subscription— you remind me of one of my very best friends
I keep wondering if there were marks on Shan’ann legs from Chris on top of her straddling her – I’m thinking she had her arms pinned at her side so she could not “fight back” and leave scratch marks on him. But, did her nails dig in or leave bruises on either side of her legs as he was strangling her? He’s still a “clever calculated cat” – he’s so specific on so many details, except when it comes to what exactly took place and was planned out.
Also, just out of curiosity, had the girls ever ridden in his truck without their car seats? They must have known something was terribly wrong, including their mom’s dead body in the truck with them.
I also noticed he talks about Shan’ann in the present tense; and he referred to himself at one point in the third person when he said, “he did this”.
Chris remembered he had cottage cheese for lunch, but not other details…