1313 words. That’s how long the Denver Post scoop on Nichol Kessinger is. Perfectly timed, perfectly held back until the moment it would do the most damage – the weekend before her lover’s life sentencing. And oh boy, it is damaging.
What we learn from the Post – and it reads like an affidavit more than an interview – is that:
1. Kessinger says she barely knew Watts, and was only in a relationship with him for two months [meaning it started in mid-June, roughly the same time Shan’ann announced her third pregnancy on Facebook].
2. Kessinger seems aware Watts was married at the time, but was under the impression – she says – he’d already started divorce proceedings. Wasn’t Kessinger active on Facebook?
3. Kessinger says she never doubted her lover’s guilt, and co-operated with the cops even prior to his arrest. The Post describes “multiple police interviews” and her telling them what he told her privately about his “missing family”.
The italicized text below is quoted directly from the Denver Post:
4. “Kessinger was working in the environmental department with an Anadarko Petroleum contractor when the two met, she said during a Thursday morning interview in the office of her lawyer, Ed Hopkins.”
5. “Every morning, Watts and the other operators would gather in the office break room while they waited to be dispatched to a field site. Kessinger would walk through the group to place her lunch in the fridge, but she never spoke to Watts.”
6. “One day in the middle of June, he walked into her office to introduce himself. They continued casual conversations. She noticed that Watts did not wear a wedding ring, and Kessinger, who was single, thought he was attractive.”
7. “’When he spoke to me, he was very soft-spoken. He appeared to be a good listener,’ she said.”
8. “Watts told her that he had two daughters and, after Kessinger asked, Watts said he was separated and at the end of divorce proceedings, she said. ‘I believed him,’ she said.”
9. “When they first met outside of work in late June, Kessinger asked Watts more questions about his divorce. He told her the mutual divorce was almost final, and they were working out financial details, she said.”
10. The two began a physical relationship in early July and saw each other four to five times a week, Kessinger said. She told him she wanted to take it slow and he should focus on helping his daughters adjust to the divorce. [Early July is around the time Shan’ann was away on her extended 6-week vacation to North Carolina. It ended in the first week of August].
11. When Watts was in North Carolina with Shan’ann, he called Kessinger to tell her the divorce was final. It seems around the same time he told Shan’ann and her family he intended to separate and were having problems. This is why the Live videos on Facebook dried up in July and August.
12. “Later that month [July], he asked Kessinger to help him find an apartment that would be good for him and his daughters. They never spoke about long-term plans for their relationship.”
13. Watts was clearly a keen manipulator: “‘He made me believe that he was doing all of the things that a rational man and good father would do,’ [Kessinger] said. Kessinger never met any of Watts’ family or friends.”
13. “On Aug. 13, the Monday that Shanann and the girls disappeared, Watts texted Kessinger to say that he had been busy. The two chatted like normal throughout the workday.”
14. “[At] about 3:45 p.m., Watts texted [Kessinger] that his family was ‘gone,’ she said. He told Kessinger that Shanann had taken the girls to a play date and had not returned. He seemed casual and didn’t show any emotion, she said.”
15. “Kessinger was worried about his missing family, but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of a situation that Watts seemed calm about. Then, news reporters showed up at the Watts’ family home. ‘I was very confused why the media was at his house,’ she said.”
16. And now we know exactly what Watts did on the night of the 13th. ‘When I read the news, I found out he was still married and his wife was 15 weeks pregnant,’ Kessinger said. She was shocked at his lies and scared for the missing woman and children, she said. ‘If he was able to lie to me and hide something that big, what else was he lying about?’ she said. In a flurry of long calls and texts that night, Watts changed his story about his split with his wife. Kessinger interrogated Watts with a barrage of questions. His answers seemed ‘off’ to her.”
17. While Kessinger was at work on August 14, Kessinger texted Watts. By now she was accusing him of the crimes, and pressuring him to tell her what happened. But he wouldn’t. He told her he’d never hurt his family.
18. “’It got to a point that he was telling me so many lies that I eventually told him that I did not want to speak to him again until his family was found,’ she said.”
19. “The next morning [August 15, the same day as his arrest], [Kessinger] called the Weld County Sheriff’s Office to tell them about her relationship with Watts and his lies, she said. [Kessinger] met with FBI investigators that day.
20. “‘I just wanted to help….I was going to do anything that I could.'”
21. And here’s the part that feels just a little too much like made-for-TV PR: “Since his arrest, she has never doubted that he killed them. The story that Watts told police — that he killed Shanann after he saw her strangling one of the girls — is a lie, Kessinger said.”
For the Post Kessinger also sat for a suitably somber studio photo. It’s a far cry from the party pictures that have emerged thus far on social media.

Image courtesy RJ Sangosti, the Denver Post.
Kessinger’s exclusive comes at the end of a week-long media blitz during which Watts’ parents have put their weight behind their son. The PR war for control of the narrative suggests forces are stirring in the Watts case that go beyond the veneer. Monday’s hearing is likely to be very high-profile, with the whole of America watching, and holding its collective breath to see what happens. With the odds stacked against him, including his own mistress, will Watts go through with the plea deal or will he recant?
Read more: Chris Watts: Inside the Mind of His Mistress
Bid deal, he lied about his marriage, divorce. Perhaps she was just for Fun, nothing serious ….it only lasted ,2 months.
Men do this Daily. Have affairs.
Men don’t wear wedding bands either.
To him, like most men there looking for validation in many areas
Things they are not getting in their marriage..that’s why the Prowl.
Most of their communication was texting. Kinda hard to see emotion in the person.she probably got on his nerves pestering him questions.
Good think he said nothing.
Now she claims he killed them, and she a sudden Expert on Chris . Why cause he lied to you. About his marriage. There are. Thousands of Men who lie and tell stories to get Laid. For you to to assume he going to tell you the truth. He has his Dad. Someone he trusted and loved. Not like you.
Hopefully he can’t remember your name.
Well it is a big deal. Especially if Watts had fallen out of love with his wife. So if he’s lying to his mistress, and she’s buying it, and he’s lying to his wife, and she’s buying it, then he’s going to think he’s a really good liar. Also, somewhere along the line when you’re leading a double life, the one life has to end. He made his choice.
His wife didn’t believe his lies, that’s clear from texts she sent to her friends, this woman is nothing more than trash looking for monetary gain on someone else’s tragedy, she is a disgusting excuse for a human being, setting up a go fund me account, looking for a book deal and all of these other things ! Straight TRASH!
Hopefully he can’t remember your name.
Fat Chance
Nick, what does this mean?> suggests forces are stirring in the Watts case that go beyond the veneer.
Have you read Two Pollyannas?
I have it but I’m only on about the 5th page
Keep reading and your question will be answered – I promise
I’m sure Nicole’s life, as well as her family’s lives, have been nothing short of a nightmare to say the least. I’ve no doubt the media pursued her relentlessly! Its scary that people are so trusting, you never know what someone can be hiding. The only thing this woman did wrong was getting involved with a man before his “divorce” was a done deal, otherwise, she did nothing wrong imo. I actually sympathize with her. Although I agree with her that Chris killed his whole family, she doesn’t know that for certain unless she’s aware of something we’re not. Or perhaps she’s believing what the police said, that they had evidence that Chris had planned the murders, which I believe. I don’t think this woman is the sole reason Chris committed the murders, but their relationship played a part imo. I’d say she’s Amber Frey 2.0. I do feel that her speaking out has definitely made Chris look even worse!
FYI the spelling of Nickole Atkinson is with a CK and Nichol Kessinger with a CH. “Nicole” is wrong for both and confuses everyone.
If he asked Kessinger to help him find an apartment for him and his daughters, it brings up the question why did he kill his daughters? He could have said an apartment for himself. Maybe, in the beginning, he hadn’t planned on killing them all but he knew no one would buy the story that she left by herself without them.
“Maybe, in the beginning, he hadn’t planned on killing them.” Great comment Karen.
Remember the murders happened at the very end of a weekend when he was left with the kids. He got a babysitter in on the Saturday as well. He felt – for whatever reason – it wasn’t going to work if they were still alive.
There are lots of Men who have wives, families and have a mistress.
Mistress is someone who the guy likes and see for a very long time.
He maybe thought…sex…not love with this one. She only lasted 2 months.
All married men and even people not married know pretty quick..this one for sex. This one …I’ll take my time with her
Guarantee….no hubby , unless Love down the road with tell the truth. Blackmail stalking can happen
It seems it only lasted two months because going into month two this whole thing happened
Yes Karen , If the tradgey did not happen to shanann and her children , who knows how long it would of continued .. In my opinion NK was just as involved in this murder as CW was , she’s definitely needs to have further Investigation on her connection too this crime , too much suspicion around all she has done calling her friend a day after the murder the geologist and deleted text..NK is the Devil , I do feel she was involved in some way in this case ..I hope justice comes back to bite her in the ass
It’s quite clear to me from your comments that you have issues with men in general. Not ALL men are the same… remember, there are plenty of women that cheat on their husbands too.. it’s all equal across the board my dear.
No do us all a favour and stop typing.
Who are you talking too?
Re: # 5 I am assuming he didn’t make the office break room dispatchment meeting the morning he was hiding bodies. Wonder how he explained that away.
#13 so Chris had a busy day (just a few cadaver dogs at the house), he was seen in footage on his phone perhaps messaging her like ‘normal’. He must have thought he was king of the criminals with masterminding his plan and carrying on like he did. So delusional. Can someone be sane and behave like that?
I find the timing of this release strategic to say the least. I also find it incredible that when so much can be gleaned about a person via data bases and particularly social media, that this woman didn’t figure out Chris was married and hadn’t begun to pursue a divorce. I also find it interesting that Chris, according to Nichol, was looking for an apartment for himself AND his daughters. Does this mean Chris was envisioning himself with primary custody of the children post-divorce? Most guys on the prowl, especially in the initial stage of an affair, want to keep their kids low profile to appear more un-encumbered. Moreover, his intent to find a family-sized apartment could be construed, particularly by a good defense attorney, as conflicting with his killing Bella and Celeste. There are a lot of facets to this complex case and it shouldn’t be tried in the press, least of all by a contract employee linked to Anadarko, which I imagine in many respects functions as the state’s illicit mistress.
NK is full of BS in my opinion. She admitted he was attractive and had spied him prior to first chatting with him so you can bet your bottom dollar she checked him out and knew he was married!
I find it interesting that she looks similar to Shanann. I actually thought the picture to the far right was Shanann.
I wonder if he ever read about the Scott Peterson case. It’s like history repeating itself.
That’s a great question. You know it was the 15 year anniversary of the Scott Peterson case in 2017, and many networks and tabloids “remembered” the case. It’s also possible he was influenced by coverage of the 10 year anniversary of Caylee’s death and disappearance in June 2018. It’s easy to see how he could have looked at those crimes and thought he could do better.
I don’t think she looks like her at all. NK is your typical pretty girl next door. SW was attractive in an ordinary way.
Nay, NK isn’t quite pretty. I find her quite plain and average looking. And I do agree that SW was pretty in an ordinary way.
I didn’t she was pretty initially, in fact I thought she was a plain Jane, but I’ve seen a few more photos since then and changed my mind. I say “pretty” in a way that Shann’an might be seen as pretty or attractive but certainly not beautiful!! I think looks should be kept out of such a horrifying situation anyway.
I really enjoy this blog!
I’m just curious….
When did Chris delete his Facebook account?
It seems plausible that NIchol was completely unaware of the facts at the time of their relationship.
Joe, that’s a great question. I’m not sure his Facebook was deleted, just disabled, but I could be wrong. Remember he was also a Thrive promoter so it seems unlikely he’d delete his business entirely. When he took his Facebook offline is crucial. We know his twitter was disabled after he was arrested.
More on that here:
Now she can have her 15 minutes
After much thought, I still 100% think Nichole was told by Chris that he was divorcing Shan’ann. Chris is the proven liar here and until we know for certain if Nichole is a liar, she should be given the benefit of the doubt. Funny how the “I believe Chris camp” wants to throw Nichole under the bus and brand her a liar, yet they believe whatever !#&€! comes out of Chris’s mouth!
By the way, I’ve seen reliable accounts that Chris disappeared from Social media one week before the murders. There are many ways Chris could’ve explained to Nichole what Shan’ann put out on her social media. Don’t forget that she was in North Carolina for six weeks, leaving Nichole to think….. hmm…he must be getting divorced, his wife ran home to her family. Remember too, Shan’ann was NOT feverishly posting videos in July and August! Chris could’ve easily come up with a creative excuses to explain what Shan’ann did post, such as……Yeah, my loco wife is still trying to sell us as the perfect family to her flock, but it’s all a lie. He would’ve said to Nichole…I just let her continue with the videos, less alimony and child support I’ll have to pay!
Nicole is a liar. In fact, there is a 1,000 page files conducted by the police that showed that she lied about not knowing that Chris was married to Shannan. It also showed that she was searching Shannon up online in 2017. Nicole also searched up Scott Peterson’s mistress and her book deal prior to the murders. Why would she do so if she didn’t know that Chris Watts would kill his wife and children? Fishy, huh? I think she knows more than she is saying to the police. She is still under investigation, but I think more information will come out about her that may lead others to see her culpability to the crime.
While Kessinger was at work on August 14, Kessinger texted Watts. By now she was accusing him of the crimes, and pressuring him to tell her what happened. But he wouldn’t. He told her he’d never hurt his family.
“Since his arrest, she has never doubted that he killed them. The story that Watts told police — that he killed Shanann after he saw her strangling one of the girls — is a lie, Kessinger said
My point was that – that was a pretty bold statement for someone who “barely knew Watts”
Karen I do agree with you that Nichol’s statement was pretty bold for someone she barely knew! She doesn’t know anything for certain as to who killed the kids, only Chris does – or the police/prosecution if they have VERY SOLID evidence that he killed them, and I mean REALLY SOLID! I have my opinion, but it means nothing and really on that particular point, Nichol’s opinion means nothing either. This whole thing is sad, so many lives destroyed.
I believe this NK, is a Liar, looking for fame.
She’s not good looking or pretty.
She was Convenient, right there at work.
When would Chris have time to find someone. Most men don’t tell “other” too much.
You’re right, Shannon: “She was convenient, right there at work.” She was also his boss’s daughter. I wonder if he thought that in addition to having such a convenient affair, he might also get a promotion out of the deal. With his family eliminated, sex with the boss’s hot daughter, new apartment, promotion and raise, the future would be looking pretty good in his mind.
“Hot”? I am a woman and I don’t think Nicole Kessinger is pretty, hot, sexy or even cute. That picture of her was filtered to make her look attractive. The other pictures of her on social media show us what she really looks like-an average looking plain woman.
Men might have found her “hot” because she was slim and worked out at the gym etc. Not necessarily naturally gorgeous or beautiful per se. If you look at older pics of her she liked to dress seductively and maybe Chris was drawn to that sexually confident side of her. Maybe she had a sexual appetite that matched his? Maybe he liked that she was single and childless and her body wasn’t ruined by pregnancies. In the end he was clearly very selfish and superficial and he was drawn to people that portrayed a different lifestyle to the one he was living. He was done with kids and being a Dad and living in a supporting role. He just wanted to workout and have sex. Selfish pig.
Well, there are many other attributes that men find attractive in a woman besides looks. But from looking at pictures of Nicole and even hearing her speak through interviews on Youtube, I don’t see anything appealing about her. She came off just as cold, calculating and psychopathic as Chris Watts himself. And Chris Watts is a psychopath and monster. He murdered his loving and devoted wife, two daughters and unborn son just to be with this tramp. Both of them deserve a cold, hard place in hell.
Hence my comment that they must have both been superficially drawn to each other purely in a sexual way? I don’t know enough about NK to comment on her personality and we need to remember that Chris is the murderer here, not her. He was also the one with a wife and kids and was initially lying about being separated while she was a single woman. I’m not saying she is perfect and innocent but I do think that people have been far too hard on her and need to focus back on Chris. If it wasn’t NK, eventually it would have been another woman.
Both of them have the same sociopathic narcissistic energy so of course they would be drawn to each other. And I believe that Nicole Kessinger is indirectly involved in these murders. She didn’t actually commit murder, but she probably knew that he will kill his family. In fact, she searched Scott Peterson’s mistress and her book deal prior to these murders. Scott Peterson is a man that is known for killing his pregnant wife. Her lover, Chris happened to kill his pregnant wife and two daughters. Why would she search for Scott Peterson’s mistress and her book deal if she wasn’t aware that he will kill his family? I think she knows more than what she is leading others to think.
I have to admit that quite a few details about NK have seriously disturbed me like what you just mentioned about searching the Lacey Peterson murder and book deals etc. If that’s true and if she was hoping to in any way to profit from such a horrific situation then that would be deplorable and disgusting. There needs to be laws in place that prevent anyone profiting from murders.
I also do not believe that she didn’t know anything about Shan’Ann or know that she was pregnant. You can bet your bottom dollar that she had stalked the heck out of her on social media and for a mistress it would have been like striking gold with the amount of public material SW had on there. She must have been up all night watching family vids!
It’s my belief that Shan’Ann suspected he was cheating at some stage so deliberately started putting stuff up on both their FB accounts to make it appear as though they were very much in love & both wanted Nico. It was clear and has been openly admitted that they each knew each other’s computer, iPad and phone passwords. SW even posted on Chris behalf to promote Thrive and texted from his phone for the same purpose. I might be wrong, but it’s my belief that Chris disabled his FB so SW would stop putting all these posts up. He didn’t want it to appear to NK that he was in anyway still committed to Shan’Ann and being part of the family unit with her. I think he must have been becoming increasingly upset at Shan’Ann using FB as a platform to send covert “messages” to NK to back off. A woman’s intuition is never wrong. Towards the end, poor Shan’Ann was trying everything she could to get her marriage back on track and where they were before. What I can’t believe is how and why Chris went so cold on his little girls?!? Apparently he was distancing himself, getting irritated at them for no reason and they stopped coming to him for comfort and asking for their Mom all the time… I feel sick thinking of those little innocent babies.
I hope more solid info comes to light about NK and if it’s true that she was privy to anything before or after the murders then she needs to come clean. Right now, her lies aren’t helping her at all.
Also I am not letting that diabolical, sociopath, Chris Watts off the hook for murdering his family. He is evil, and deserves to rot in prison. However I don’t think Nicole’s hands are clean either. She is the accomplice here. That is my point here.
No way and there’s no chance of him getting off the hook, ever. How he ever thought he could pull this off is bizarre but he’s a bizarre guy himself after all!!
When you say that she was an accomplice, what exactly do you mean? Which role do you believe she played and to what extent?
Chris Watts is a monster and is where he belongs-a prison. I just can’t comprehend how anyone could murder their spouse and children yet have little remorse for it. He is awful.
Yes, Nicole is an accomplice. All of the evidence that I have gathered and researched point to her being one. Look at all of the lies she told. She was researching his wife, Shannan and his family back in 2017 yet lied that she didn’t know that he was married. Also she was researching Scott Peterson’s mistress and her book deal and wedding dresses prior to the murders. That should also be an alarm bell. She must have known that he was going to kill his family. Also Chris Watts sent a text message to her showing her the location of where he put Shannan and his daughters’ bodies saying, ”Your wish is my command”. Fishy, huh? Nicole also deleted text messages of her and Chris Watts PRIOR to being investigated by the police. What does that tell you? She knows much more than what she is saying to the police. I believe that she is the one who helped plan these murders, and have Chris carry it out so that she could be with him. I can’t wait until the police and law enforcement arrest and prosecute her for her role in this situation.
Both Nicole Kessinger and Chris Watts are scumbags and belong in prison!
Can anyone confirm if it’s true about CW showing her the burial place and saying “your wish is my command?” I personally haven’t read anything about her being an accomplice. She might be guilty of a few things and not being of good character but an accomplice?? – I’m not convinced until I hear something concrete.
I can’t change what you think but I know Nichol Kessinger knows much more than what she is saying to the detectives. She is a liar, cheater and sociopath. My intuition and all of the evidence points to her having some knowledge of the murders. Or even helped Chris plan the murders and clean up the scene. I can’t wait until the law catches up with her, and put her away for good.
you’re nuts, she was very pretty, great figure.
Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
Debbie….I don’t think so……lol
This woman is a pathological liar, homewrecker, and possibly played a role in planning the murders of his wife and two daughters. That tramp knew that he was married but still went ahead and carried on an affair with him anyways. She also told Chris Watts to pawn his wedding ring after the murders, looked up information about Scott Peterson’s mistress, and her book deal prior to horrific murders of the wife and children. My heart goes out to the deceased wife’s family and friends, and I am hoping that Nicole is arrested for her role in this situation.
Maybe to Chris she was a breath of fresh air. Someone who didn’t chastise him for years.
Sex was new and fresh. Maybe they laughed, had fun.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
He was broken lonely soul.
Sex and lust are temporary pleasures, but love takes time to grow and develop a permanent bond. Nicole was just a woman he had sexual relations with. Shannan was the woman that he was married to, and formed a family ie foundation with. I doubt that his real intentions was to marry Nicole and settle down with. I think they were in lust, and just looking for some time together. Their lust and attraction to each other helped break down the marriage and lead to these horrific murders. Personally, I believe that Nicole helped plan these murders so that she could be with him. She is just as culpable in this situation as he is even though she wasn’t the one that actually committed the murders.
Also, Nicole Kessinger isn’t worth murdering his whole family over. She isn’t all that. Granted, Chris Watts and his wife, Shannan were facing problems with finances and all, but it didn’t give him an excuse to have an affair behind his wife’s back, and then murder her and the children. His actions are inexcusable and horrid. One day, he will look back in regret over the fact that he threw away his lovely family for some woman that he met at work .
I’m sorry.
But I believe there is more to this story then just this other woman. As to why he killed his whole family.
I don’t think they, especially Chris were happy for quite a while.
Yes I believe she knows more and not telling truth. She has proven more then once she is a Liar. Texts deleted, when check Chris and family. As to murders I don’t know. We not privy to if they are still checking her out.
If both Girls were walking down a street….neither is a head turner.
Usually one partner better looking then other.
Bams, I just finished the docs today and I didn’t see it anywhere but earlier someone did make that comment
Kessinger was involved with the murders too. She wanted to marry him and with no children around. They should look at all of her lies as well. She’s not attractive or cute or beautiful, she’s totally the opposite she has had many men she probably slept with.
I listened to one of the interviews Nichol gave to the cops & I could barely stand listening to it. There was so much *unnecessary added details* to meaning-less things, classic liar tactic. Also there were direct contradictions, circle talking, & huge shifts in her tonality when lying.
I believe she def. had a hand in this, esp. after reading the comments here. I did not know she did those strange searches.
I’m an “excellent* people reader, & intuitively sense liars, everybody lies, I don’t like 2 call ppl out, usually ppl lie small & to spare feelings or get out of helping, things like that, I’ve done plenty of it throughout my life too…..
However a *pyscopath* lies about as *much as they breathe* & after a while it’s easy 2feel their ‘energy’, or should I say their the ‘non energy’, the dark black, *sucking of energy* that they are!
Remarkably, I now feel I can even pick this up if I hear somebody talk long enough. Yeah no doubt in my mind she’s 100% pyscopath!
Yup, I am with you on this!
Im sorry but I can’t believe CW threw his entire life away for NK!! I mean, are you kidding me? She’s not attractive in any sense of the word! She’s plain looking, talks like a man and her attitude sucks!! Not to mention her interviews with law enforcement have more holes than swiss cheese!! How on earth are they not still looking at her as a possible accomplice?
@angelaroselle the discovery documents indicate NK researched information about Amber Frey on/after August 19th. I’m not here to defend NK but you cannot label her an accomplice based upon that. However you feel about her looks, voice, personality, or whatever else, the facts don’t support that particular accusation.
Honestly who does this chick think she is??? She looks and sounds like a dude (heard he was in to that) She is nothing but a two-bit whore.. I watched her interrogation and OMG shut the F up! She sounds so stupid!! Dumber then a bag of rocks. You think he was honest and loved you??? Lmao…you dumb stupid girl???!!! You had nothing on Shannan….she was class and you are trash. You deserve to be in the cell next to him.
Yet she sent him an email telling him she wanted what he had with his wife and family. She knew he was married and not in the middle of a divorce.
I know I’m late to the party but I wanted to chime in here. She absolutely, positively knew he was married and expecting a baby! Any woman dating any man these days does a deep dive into Social Media. I’m nearly as old as dirt and even I would be sure to google, facebook, Instagram, Twitter, background check etc. They worked together. I would be willing to bet her work pals were giving her info on him as well. She was well-informed and like most cheap flings she figured she could definitely steal him from the wife. I doubt she had any interest in the girls. She would have talked him into giving Shan’ann full custody, hopefully in NC.