True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Is Nichol Kessinger wearing the necklace Watts bought her in Myrtle Beach in the Denver Post exclusive?

Sylvester, a regular commenter on this forum, reckons the necklace Kessinger is wearing in the most recent photos may be similar to the necklace Watts snapped while taking his wife and children on an outing to Myrtle Beach on August 2nd.

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What do you think?

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From the front it appears more circular.

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  1. Kaye

    It could very well be a necklace he got for her—otherwise why take the picture of the necklaces unless he were trying to get her opinion on which one she liked?

    Speaking of Myrtle Beach, it’s so ironic that he and Shan’ann had their honeymoon there. And then it ended up being the last vacation place with his family. He must have thought of the honeymoon while they were there, and I’m sure that Shan’ann did as well.

  2. Brenda

    It’s the same. Was she sending Chris a message?

  3. Deborah Ripoli

    exact! how dare she wear it to her interview? what a jerk!

  4. Brenda

    It first shows up displayed across one of their hands with the explanation that this was the necklace Chris bought for her. Then she is seen wearing it in the serious portrait photo of her, the one with the black background, taken for the the newspaper interview. So she wore the necklace at the same time she was saying, “He’s a liar! He lied about everything?” Why wear a creepy exlover’s gift under these circumstances?

  5. Brenda

    A Cursory glance appears the necklaces may be different. But if you look closely (zoom in) at the necklace draped on the hand, you’ll notice it appears to have a slightly different shape because it is sharing space with another one (several are hanging on a wall) so it’s a little distorted. But once it’s clear, you can’t unsee it. Same one in both photos.

  6. BAMS13

    I think she misses the relationship aspect and the “idea” of their future together that she had fantasised about in her head.

    Her public face is that of a disgusted woman who doesn’t want to be seen as an adulterous home wrecker or connected to Chris the child murderer so she’s making all these claims to save face.

    She might very well still be in love with the guy if she’s wearing that necklace. If it really is the same one then it’s highly foolish to wear it because armchair detectives have been analysing every square inch of info on this case and NOTHING goes unnoticed. Odd!!!!

  7. Ben

    Not the same stone, setting, frame, profile, color, shape, or anything. These 2 pieces are not the same. What the heck is wrong with you people?

    • Brenda

      Yes it is. The confusion comes from looking At the necklace draped on her hand. There is one right behind it that conflicts with the image. But if you put that one out of your mind and just look at the one that is on the front of her hand and then look at the one she’s wearing around her neck, you’ll see it’s the same.

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