True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

New “Last Photo” of JonBenet Ramsey has just been released – and there’s a problem…

Since January, since the lawsuit the Ramseys launched against CBS was settled [on January 5th, 2019 to be precise], there’s definitely been an uptick in Ramsey-related news. On January 9th, the Ramseys defamation go-to-guy – Lin Wood – gave an interview admonishing the “fake news” media. Then two days after Wood’s “fake news” comments there was news of an old suspect resuscitating their confessions [like Gary Oliva], that started as early as January 11th.

By February Gary Oliva’s confession was still rolling across the world’s media landscape, making waves in the United Kingdom.  By the end of March, Gary Oliva was still the talk of the town three months after the CBS settlement. Not a bad run of distracting coverage to drown out the settlement narrative, was it?

Now, in April, we have a documentary featuring none other than John Ramsey himself. It’s not just a vacuous documentary either. 23 years after the unsolved murder of his daughter, for the first time ever, this photo of JonBenet Ramsey has been publicly released.

Fullscreen capture 20190413 194821

There’s a serious problem with this image.

Before addressing what it is, let’s have a look at the other images that were either previously the “Last Photo” of the slain beauty queen, or otherwise photos taken shortly before her death.

The image/s above was/were previously recognized and accepted as the “Last Photo” of JonBenet. It was taken a fair length of time before her death, fairly early on Christmas Day morning [note the background is still in darkness]. JonBenet was murdered about 18 hours after this image was taken, and her body discovered in the basement of the Ramsey home by her father another 13-or-so hours after that.

A derivative impression of the last image was subsequently used as the cover for Paula Woodward’s book We Have Your Daughter, but with Patsy edited out.

A review in the Daily Camera at the time was pretty frank about where Woodward’s true allegiance and objectivity lay:

[Woodward] signals an intention to shoot down “erroneous assumptions” to repeatedly cast doubt on the prevailing police narrative of the murder. Given the author’s access to the couple’s private journals as well as the cooperation of their attorneys, it’s no spoiler to say the book is firmly in the Ramsey corner.

Other photos taken that morning including these, including one with nine-year-old Burke beside his younger sister. If there are few photos of JonBenet on that last day there are even fewer images of Burke floating around.

On December 23rd, these images were taken:

In reality, the last photos taken of JonBenet in the Ramsey home were these:

A close-up photo just prior to the autopsy was taken of the  little girl’s hand:

But let’s not quibble over semantics. By Last Photo what is meant is the last photo of JonBenet when she was alive.

What is the serious problem with this image?

Fullscreen capture 20190413 194821

23 years after the unsolved murder of his daughter, for the first time ever, this photo of JonBenet Ramsey has been publicly released, presumably by John Ramsey himself. Why has it taken 23 years to release the last photo of his daughter? And if it’s only been released to the public and the media now, what about law enforcement?

The full implications of what the Last Photo represents are analyzed to completion in Christmas Star, available now.



  1. Sylvester

    I must not be much of a sleuth. I’m not sure what I”m looking at here – this last “last” photo. She looks startled, as if the camera went off by accident. It’s also taken by someone a good deal taller – she’s looking up. Where is it – I don’t recognize any Christmas trappings in the background. And if it was taken a few hours before she was killed she’s not wearing the sequin star sweater. Christmas night they were at the White’s for dinner. Then supposedly delivering gift baskets to their friends. Then we only have the Ramsey’s word for when they returned home. Why is she all alone in this photo and where is she. If the Sun says the picture was taken Christmas Eve then it’s not the last picture – the last picture would be Christmas morning in her pink pajamas with Patsy. Help, please.

    • nickvdl

      She doesn’t look happy does she? Where’s the Christmas Magic?

      • voici je

        this is a snap photo…unprepared…nothing to do with happyness

  2. Sylvester

    She sure doesn’t. It almost doesn’t look like her – looks like a much older girl – she looks tired and worn out maybe with a hint of annoyance.

    • Melissa G

      It looks like her she just has a black vest on over those sweat pants . Could have been a gift she was trying on over them . This is so sad . Breaks my heart . RIP Jon

  3. Sylvester

    Something else peculiar. I’ve been staring at it and not sure what I’m seeing. The picture with the caption “the ligature tied around JonBenet Ramsey’s neck and right wrist” she has some kind of orange, white and brown flowered hair tie in her hair. It looks to be the same hair tie in the last picture above. I had thought when she was carried upstairs from the basement, dead, she had her hair tied twice in ponytails, no hair accessories other than the rubber bands tying back her hair. But it looks like the same hair tie is in her hair from the last picture. What does this mean. That the last picture above was the last picture. Was it taken at the White’s? She never went to bed and I would suggest she was never dressed for bed either. The re-dressing came later, (the white thermal pants and oversized panties). Hair bow left in the hair. Of course the Ramsey timeline is completely fabricated to suggest she was asleep, Patsy dressed her for bed, and she went to bed. John was the only one who likely got some shuteye, but maybe only an hour. This case irks me more than any other in the history of true crime. And look above. It’s Christmas morning, but Patsy doesn’t look particularly happy. She poses with her pet JonBenet, but not with Burke? There’s the big bike in the background too – Patsy’s new bike. If Ramsey was bringing up JonBenet’s new bike from the basement, who took the picture. Wouldn’t they want her posed in front of her own new bike – not Patsy’s?

    • nickvdl

      Good observation in terms of the hair. You can clearly see that white, black and biscuit brown bow or ribbon was still in her hair post mortem [as you say]. It’s hard to see how that’s not significant evidence that she never went to sleep, or was never put in her bed as claimed.

      • Kay Marie

        I have a daughter and 3 nieces. All of them have at one time or another gone to bed with their hair ties in their hair. Another irrelevancy. It doesn’t mean she didn’t go to bed.

    • Julie

      Yes, I noticed the hair tie too. No parent would put a child to bed with a hair tie in surely. Very strange.

    • Dianne

      She was dressed for bed in pjs cuz it’s a known fact that she wet her bed that night n she was found w her PJs soaked in urine as well… I believe Patsy stayed up to pack for trip in morning ..john did go to bed.. jonbenet woke up in the night after wetting bed came down stairs saw pineapple n bowl on table took a few pieces then went to tell Patsy she wet bed again… I feel Patsy may have fell asleep watching tv ..was awoken after exhaustion from the stressful holidays and lost it..why? Stress from xmas… I mean look at all the image she put up to look good at xmas… people in her home looking at all that image ..x mass trees in every room… plus fighting her health issues.. also jonbenet had a big personality and I heard patsy wanted them both to wear matching sweater that night n jonbenet said NO… jealous of her daughter pulling away from her control.. patsy looked at her like ” look at everything I give u and u tell me No! Remember image is everything to this woman… after she went crazy n hit jonbenet…she is now in a huge dilemma… her life is over..shes going to jail… john will divorce her n take Burke n all the $$… so she starts staging.. she all about image and the worse the crime looks.. more people will believe intruder… calling friends that morning was done by Patsy not to contaminate the scene..No..she called becuz in that movie Ransom …they had friends over to support them… she is theatrical… shes a stage mom/person all around… I believe John woke up to all this n saw the ransom note and knew his wife had done something.. he was in shock… but what had she done…?? He just went with the flow cuz police were there within mins..friends coming over… he in the end protected Patsy..

      • Luly

        Plus , the police found that the note was written by the same pen Patsy had on her desk and the paper was took by the diary that was on her desk too

    • Marion Sudewo

      I think she was indeed dressed for bed before she was killed. Her pajamas and panties were soaked with her urine. I’ve heard that when a person dies, all urine still inside the body will come out. If she was already dead before the pajamas were put on, there could not have been urine in her pants…

    • Elizabeth Massey

      Recheck the photo. There are two bicycles in the photo. Patsys and JonBenets. There are so many things that don’t make sense in this case. And society has not helped by solely pointing fingers at the parents. There is evidence that suggests a stranger could be responsible and there is evidence to suggest that is is someone known to the family. The police made many mistakes in securing the scene and how they investigated this horrific crime. I do believe that one day her killer will be found. Advances in technology will help solve this case.

  4. Sideaffected

    I couldn’t finish that “documentary.” It’s obviously going to be bullshit considering it’s driven to “find the real killer” by John and is in the wake of Burke’s-how much was the settlement for? Something completely ridiculous I had thought, like 100 million. And I believe that actual search for truth, which includes Laura Richards whom I adore and does fantastic work, and the other people in it, are world-renowned experts. I thought their Burke theory was pretty legit and it’s what makes the most sense to me. Like the McCanns, I also believe they didn’t wake up and think “let’s kill her.” Nothing else makes any sense to me whatsoever. Not that they were mad about bed-wetting, not that she was being molested. Also like the McCanns, everyone eventually brings pedophile rings and Satan into it. John says in this new bs that he wants to protect his kids and grandkids-I think that’s probably true, he’s getting older and so wants to point fingers at people he knows there won’t be evidence against. I mean, their first big lead is a woman in prison for trying to kill her husband, who she happens to claim killed Jonbenet.

    The most abominable part of it is this detective with over 20 years experience going along with this charade. If he’s really an experienced detective, he knows damn well that he’s full of shit and avoiding the elephant in the room. There are detectives out there I like to believe would never do that and actually care about the truth.

  5. B. Wallis

    If Burke hit her with a flashlight, and she didn’t die, why didn’t they call for medical help. Why strangle her?

    • nickvdl

      What do you think was happening that prompted the blow with the flashlight? Iow why would JBR need to be silenced? Why would [________] not want to summon medical help?

      • Sandy

        I saw a documentary a few years ago, I don’t recall who produced it. That documentary said JBR had an annoying habit of running by and snitching food her brother was eating. She allegedly snitched a piece of pineapple with her fingers from a bowl he was eating. He retaliated by hitting her hard on the head with the flashlight. The Ramseys did not summon help because they were protecting their son who had some sort of developmental disability. He is on video right after the murder of JBR being asked by a child psychologist how he (Burk) thinks JBR died and he says “someone could have hit her in the head like this” and demonstrates an aggressive arm swing and mimics hitting something. At the crime scene they found a bowl of pineapple with a spoon in it and there was undigested pineapple in JBR’s stomach found in the autopsy. Peter Hyatt has a great video on utube showing all the aspects In their language in which John and Patsy Ramsey are indicated for deception. Interestingly, and not to muddy the water, Peter Hyatt believes John Ramsey’s language also indicates he was sexually abused as a child.

        • nickvdl

          I don’t rate Hyatt’s assessment of JonBenet Ramsey case very highly. He does a decent job on his Statement Analysis on the McCanns though.

        • Mary Mahoney

          See if you can find a site called 222. (2 yrs old is 2 young 2 die). It has a looong manifesto that seems to be written by John Ramsey. Claiming he has a 2yr old and wants people to find them or he will kill her. Creepy. But you can’t tell when it is from.

    • Marie

      If they thought she was brain dead or would have have brain damage after the first harm to the child. I believe she was strangled in a fit of rage first. Bed wetting, a Pharmaceutical/alcohol mix rage, pineapple stealing rage…..
      The head trauma was so severe, she would have bled from her eyes, nose and ears. The brain bleed only went as far as her eyelids which means it came post mortem. Humans don’t die with their eyes shut. I’m sure they did a fingerprint test of her eyelids to identify who shut them. The pineapple was ingested an hour tops prior to death not 2.5 hrs. Carbs pass thru the stomach and digest in the small intestine. That’s why they say you’re hungry an hr after you eat Chinese bc it’s mostly carbohydrates. An hr would not have given an intruder enuf time to take the child from bed, assault the child, kill the child, write a 2 1/2 pg senseless ransom nite after attempting a practice one and exit with no prints exiting the home in the snow. Her headstone says she passed on 12/25 which means she died before midnight……??…….PR I assume by looking at her watch on her left hand and pin on her right lapel in photos was ambidextrous…..? Was she a baton twirler in Miss WVa? Most pageant baton twirlers are quietly ambidextrous in case comp would try to hurt what they think is the twirlers dominant hand. And the ransom note only had PR’s and the Bolder Police prints on it. JR’s prints were not on the note although it was addressed to him. Wouldn’t you grab a note from your spouse if it was addressed to you saying that someone kidnapped your child and was holding them ransom?

      May this sweet angel Rest In Peace.
      I’m so sorry justice was never served for this child.

      • nickvdl

        a fit of rage >>>A fit of rage about what?

        • Marie

          They just came from a party and was getting ready for bed for their early am flight. They prob had a drink or 2, maybe took ambien or a xanax, which we know NOW, has a result in psycho activity. They were flying out the next am an prob wanted to get great sleep…..PR said they would put JB to bed then would wake her in a bit to use the restroom, (if that’s even true) got some pineapple maybe then she had wet the bed and she flipped out after a few drinks and maybe a pharm., or she came down an hour later with Burke and ate his pineapple and he flipped out and hit her with the flashlight and it knocked her out, got the train track to wake her up, shook her which the autopsy said she was shaken from the cranial bruising and called his mom. She was changed. She was out of her party clothes. I’m a nutritionist. That child’s heart stopped beating 30-45 min after first ingesting that pineapple. That’s just microbiology to know where the pineapple was lodged and passed thru the stomach to the small intestine to digest then stopped. IF she was hit first and it incapacitated her and panic set in that 2 min went by, she was brain dead and some brain damage had to begin—-strangulation then occurred, to stop the heart and the rest was staged. Either PR or the son caused the first head injury unless someone had just started to strangle her and panicked from the lack of oxygen to the brain. I believe JR helped stage everything else except the ransom note. Of course they had to dust the child, garret, nylon cord, blanket, dryer handle, eyelids…..for prints but JR was told by Linda Arnet to take FW and start upstairs where they said she was taken and look for anything amiss. Not to go down to the basement and go to the wine cellar, which no one knew of and find her, pick her up, get his prints all over her and carry her up.

          • LeighC

            If they wanted to cover up her death or injury at the hands of Burke, why not stage it as an accidental fall down the stairs? Seems a lot easier than garroting/staging a sexual molestation of your dearly loved child, and writing a ransom note that will put police on the path to possibly arresting an innocent person.

          • nickvdl

            I don’t think the garroting was staged.

          • Lindy Donato

            Don’t forget, Patsy was already dressed, make up on and hair done when the first officer arrived at the home. Same clothes she had been wearing the previous night at the party.
            Pretty obvious she never went to bed that fateful night!

          • Kay Marie

            The nonsense about Patty being in the same clothes is just that: nonsense. I often lay my clothes out and wear them again the next day. Ladies with nice expensive clothes do this all the time. I don’t wash my clothes every time I wear them. Sometimes I wear them again the next day. I set them on my bedside chair and put them back on. This is a very reasonable explanation as to why Patsy had the same clothes on.

          • Steve

            I watched an evaluation of Burke’s adult interview. It’s difficult to think he was involved, he seems extremely honest in his recollections

    • nickvdl

      why didn’t they call for medical help. >>>why didn’t who call for help?

      • Marie

        Sorry, I meant if 2 min went by, the brain would already begin starving for oxygen and some level of brain damage would to start to begin……

      • Marie

        They just came from a party and was getting ready for bed for their early am flight. They prob had a drink or 2, maybe took ambien or a xanax, which we know NOW, has a result in psycho activity. They were flying out the next am an prob wanted to get great sleep…..PR said they would put JB to bed then would wake her in a bit to use the restroom, (if that’s even true) got some pineapple maybe then she had wet the bed and she flipped out after a few drinks and maybe a pharm., or she came down an hour later with Burke and ate his pineapple and he flipped out and hit her with the flashlight and it knocked her out, got the train track to wake her up, shook her which the autopsy said she was shaken from the cranial bruising and called his mom. She was changed. She was out of her party clothes. I’m a nutritionist. That child’s heart stopped beating 30-45 min after first ingesting that pineapple. That’s just microbiology to know where the pineapple was lodged and passed thru the stomach to the small intestine to digest then stopped. IF she was hit first and it incapacitated her and panic set in that 2 min went by, she was brain dead and some brain damage had to begin—-strangulation then occurred, to stop the heart and the rest was staged. Either PR or the son caused the first head injury unless someone had just started to strangle her and panicked from the lack of oxygen to the brain. I believe JR helped stage everything else except the ransom note. Of course they had to dust the child, garret, nylon cord, blanket, dryer handle, eyelids…..for prints but JR was told by Linda Arnet to take FW and start upstairs where they said she was taken and look for anything amiss. Not to go down to the basement and go to the wine cellar, which no one knew of and find her, pick her up, get his prints all over her and carry her up.

        • Guest

          If you are a nutritionist, you might be interested that The A&E Special and Paula Woodward’s book do not refer to the food as being pineapple, you can look for their sources there. Pineapple is a leap and assumption not based upon evidence, and begun by the CBS doc.

          • nickvdl

            Pineapple is mentioned in the autopsy, and it’s mentioned in the interrogation with John at BPD by Lou Smit. And there’s a photo of unfinished pineapple in the kitchen. It’s also mentioned in Kolar’s book – he should know, he was employed by BPD.

            The A&E Special and Woodward’s book are both Ramsey Apologia. Pineapple isn’t a leap, thinking pineapple is irrelevant is a leap. Your quoting Apologia clearly shows where your allegiance lies, including to misrepresenting the facts.

            And the ridiculous $750 million Ramsey attack on CBS didn’t go anywhere.

    • Elizabeth

      Though the Burke theory makes the most sense to me, this is the part that doesn’t follow. There was no bleeding with the head injury, and she was still alive. Why would a parent strangle her to cover up the injury? The logical thing to do would be to call for medical help and make up a story about the injury.

      • Kris

        Sure, but you’re assuming they were logical and/or reasonable people.

    • Susan

      If this theory is true at all, that Jonbenet was hit by the flashlight, then the parents should have called for medical help as you say, but they did not and that is possibly because they were afraid to expose her body to doctors, that would raise questions about her vaginal trauma!
      This remains speculations because no one knows the truth till today!

  6. whoisit1983

    You guys are so off…..

    The photo of JonBenet in a black outfit/white turtleneck was taken at the White’s house party on the night of the 25th. The Ramseys have stated that the kids were on the floor playing – if you look, you can see JonBenet is lying on her stomach and her torso/butt is in the background – so whoever took the photo might have said her name and she looked up like “huh?” and they took the photo right there. She doesn’t look “startled” (scared) or unhappy – just being a typical kid looking up with a little smirk on her face, almost a goofy-like expression. I really hate it when people jump to these crazy assumptions like she looks “unhappy” or “scared” – and “no Christmas magic” – she also wasn’t “alone” – she was playing with Daphne (White’s daughter) they were on the floor stringing together paper ornaments – the Ramseys talked about this in their book, “The Death of Innocence.” Perhaps whoever took this particular shot just happened to focus on JonBenet only – I am sure other photos were taken that night of JonBenet with other people, those were just never released. As for who took the photo, I’m not quite sure. COULD be John….

    As for the hair tie – it looks like a leopard print or animal print scrunchie of some sort – that velvet material-type scrunchie – I had a ton of those as a kid/teenager. Remember scrunchies were very popular in the 90’s. Very interesting she also wore that same hair accessory in the White’s photo AND also in the crime scene one, I never picked up on that until now.

    The autopsy states that her hair was secured in two ponytails – one with a “cloth hair tie” AND blue elastic band on the top of her head – and another secured by a blue elastic band at the lower back of her head.

  7. Catwoman

    Hair tie aside, she is wearing the same exact clothes, sans black vest. She was never changed into p.j’s. Given Patsy’s obsession and meticulous attention to all things Jon-Benet, I can’t imagine a scenario where she was put to bed and not changed into her p.j.’s… unless of course, she was never put to bed.

    • doc

      “she is wearing the same exact clothes, sans black vest.”

      The pants appear dark in the “last known photo,” and the bottoms are white in the first of the death photos above.

  8. KCinNYC

    To me it looks like she’s about to climb stairs. Her right arm is extended, as if holding onto the bannister, whilst her left arm is straight downward. And she’s not “posing”, something an adult would ask her to do. Whoever took this snapshot, caught her off guard.

  9. Ronald Picard

    I think the knot on the paintbrush should be untied and everything looked at very closely. It just might be holding an answer or a clue as to who tied that knot.

    • Dee

      They did really just realky? incompetence were the cops who didn’t secure the home & look for the child! DNA CONCLUSIVE DNA profile is done and it is not any Ramsey or fam. friend orvsuspects they had none! Except the guy who committed suicide when Alex Hunter anounced the list was narrowing & soon the killer would be only name left! He was part if it his family refuses to allow an exhumation to get his DNA . They know he is involved in some way so hell no they aren’t letting the cops test his remains! If they had nothing to hide they would comply immediately they didn’t & still refuse to. That smacks of guilt. Maybe someone in his family who is alive was involved & they are afraid they may have to provide DNA as well if his is the one that matches! The Ramsey’s did not kill her.

  10. Juliew

    Think I recall she wore black velvet trousers to the whites party – and you can see in this photo her legs clad in dark material behind her ending in trainers on her feet, so it must be at the whites party. The Burke theory makes absolute sense – apart from anything else – in light of the absolute moral surety that John and pasty exhibited. I’m their minds, they were protecting the child they had left. If it had been either of them, maybe the other would have cracked.

  11. Juliew

    Ps it wasn’t the torch. No evidence was found on it and unlikely they’d have left it out. I think there was a question mark over a baseball bat. Plus we know Burke had previously hit her with a golf club. If police had tied down the house and contents earlier, and patsy’s sister hadn’t been allowed to do a major evidence clear out days afterwards, I’m sure police would have identified the implement.

    It is easy to read too much into single photos after a tragedy, but there is an element of not thriving in some photos of JBR. And frankly some of the behaviour known to be going on (such as burke’s faeces actions) would raise concerns in any kind of child wellbeing assessment. Likewise, while not uncommon for children Jbr’s age to have bedwetting accidents, she seemed to have more embedded problems than odd accidents. For what it’s worth, I think the watts children have that non thriving look in some photos,especially poor bella.

  12. Lisa

    In the last picture, she’s wearing black pants, a white blouse and a black vest, she’s in the floor and just get the head up to the picture, she’s not wearing the black and white dress. And maybe she was drawing or paiting, there’s a white sheet of paper in the left side

  13. Juliew

    I’ve just realised something. Unless the waistcoat and top is covering it, she doesn’t appear to be wearing the gold crucifix that she’d had for Xmas on this picture at the whites party on Xmas day evening. And which I’m pretty sure is mentioned as being on her post mortem ? If so, that would mean she wore it on Xmas day, took it off for the whites party, then is wearing it again when she died. Perhaps I’m mistaken about it being on her when she was found dead.

  14. Juliew

    Re: crucifix. Further to my previous post above, I have checked the post mortem records and the crucifix is recorded as having being present on her deceased body. So unless the last photo at the Whites party is a fluke in showing no signs of it, this to me raises the significant question of when and by who was it put back on her by? After all, the parents account is that they carried her sleeping straight into bed, changing only her party black velvet trousers to the white long John style pajama bottoms. No mention of putting jewellery on, and why would you for bed. A stranger intruder would have no reason to know about it or desire to find and put it on her.

    Unless I’m missing something this rather strongly suggests to me that either (a) there was no going straight to bed after the party and JBR was awake and put it on herself – it was a Xmas present so she’d have been aware of having this new piece of jewellery and touching/looking at it or (b) it was put on her by someone after death – for sentimental reasons maybe to accompany her into the great beyond. They were Christians and I can see that happening.

    • nickvdl

      I think it’s a red herring. It could easily have simply been under her clothing. It was a cold night and she was dressed warmly. It’s also possible that it’s there, but because of the way the image is cropped it’s simply not visible.

  15. jsussex

    Hey, Nick,

    Can you do me a favor and tell me where you talk about Lockheed Martin owning the Ramsey house and in which book? Some people want more information about it. I don’t have time to download all the Kindle books and look through them again. Do you remember which book it’s in or what your source for that info was? They genuinely want to know.

    • jsussex

      Follow up: I found it. Can you cite how you know the house was in John’s Employment contract? It’s in The Day After Christmas as a citation that refers one to his contract as a source, which readers cannot access.

      • nickvdl

        You may have noticed I’ve removed all my content from Reddit. You folks are welcome to make up your own stories and theories based on your own expertise.

        • jsussex

          I was surprised you went over there at all.

          That trio from the financial perspective was one of the best interpretations that I’ve encountered. Do you mind sharing how you know about his employment contract/ negotiations for the home? Was this part of a standard executive, relocation package? If LM purchased the home, then it does show even more motivation to avoid a scandal in the home itself!

          • nickvdl

            There’s a very simple explanation for the home. But as I say, I’ve removed my few contributions and I did so for a reason. After removing content I’m certainly not going to be drawn back to answer a few additional questions. I feel zero need to share anything with the shitters, and abundantly shitty communities, on Reddit. You coming from there to here to ask me something for the third or fourth time isn’t helping matters either.


          • jsussex

            I asked you one question about self-publishing and one about OJ after reading Juice, which I figured out. These are my questions formulated by someone who read your books. You don’t have a way people can contact you without at-replying you on Twitter. I’m not making my account public to do that. So, I know it doesn’t matter, but I guess I’ll stop reading your books because you don’t have to imply I’m a mindless idiot enrolled in the worst subreddits of Reddit. If you read what I said about you, I stood up for you. The other thoughts are my own.

            I don’t want to read anything else because I ask questions about everything. The way you’re speaking to me is not respectful. It doesn’t matter that I won’t read your books. It doesn’t matter from your perspective, I’m sure. But, this is the last time I’m ever trying to be friends with a writer. And, your followers will just get mad at me, too.

          • nickvdl

            No, you didn’t ask four different questions, you asked the same question four times, even after I’d told you I’d pulled all my content from Reddit. But then you persisted and came here to get your answer. A person with a little more common sense would get the general thrust of where that was going. But you didn’t.

            You don’t have a way people can contact you>>>

            I do. Those who know me WhatsApp me, others email or send me messages by Facebook. The fact that you are afraid of identifying yourself speaks volumes. This is the first giveaway that you’re dealing with a dodgy human being – when they’re too ashamed or cowardly to step out from behind your avatar mask.

            So yes, I don’t feel respected either. But you not being respected and me not being respected on a true crime forum is quite different. I’ve written 96 books and over 3 trilogies on this particular case. Believe it or not that means something, and for someone who claims to have read them, it should mean something to you. The fact that you can become so capricious so quickly, just as the whingers and losers habitually do on Reddit, says a lot.

            But that’s the problem with Reddit. You’re there to keep your fellow Reddiots happy, not much beyond that. The fact that you’re on Reddit in the first place is a serious concern, given that it’s a bottomdwelling cesspool for conspiracy theory and bunkum. It’s a credit to folks who don’t like Reddit for precisely this reason. I don’t know who you think you are sending me repeated questions to keep your fellow-zombies entertained, and referring to that as “paging” me as if you think you have me on speeddial. You don’t. And I’m not on the same level of true crime as you are, or them.

            If you’re ever unsure why you are banned from this forum, come back to this comment and read it a few times. You’re also welcome to share it with the misanthropic idiocracy you belong to Reddit.

  16. stupidfunnygirl

    I don’t think Burke did it. How could he have kept it a secret when he was a kid. If he did do it why would his parents sent him over to a house full of people the day that JonBenet’s body was discovered instead of keeping him close? I think there is more on than we know. One of the many questions is Why didn’t John’s work send their team that deals with national security and kidnapping? He worked for a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin. Kidnapping a top executive of a company that deals with weapons and security is a serious threat.

  17. Grace is Amazing!

    To me she looks frightened-like a deer in the headlights look in her eyes.

  18. Dave

    Question regarding digestion…If JB eats pineapple from Burke’s bowl and he hits her in the head and incapacitates her, would normal digestion continue such that the pineapple would pass through the stomach to the small intestine? The pineapple was found in the proximal (nearest) end of the small intestine indicating that digestion was well underway. The esophagus was clear of material. Thoughts?

  19. Ash

    It’s the hair color. I hate to point it out because it sounds absurd and feels vulgar since we are talking about a child, but it’s the hair color. Sadly, Patsy resorted to lightening her already blonde daughter’s hair even lighter. JonBenet had blonde hair naturally, but her natural was more ashen. The color applied to her made it lighter and more golden. In the death photos, we can see the line of demarcation from natural color to artificial color. In the newer released photo, JonBenet has had fresh color applied and there are no “roots”. It’s one solid color from scalp to ends. In the photo where she is sitting with her mother, it is darker at the scalp. We can argue that this lighting in this photo, but the postmortem photo shows us otherwise. From the beginning we knew Patsy colored her hair. That new last photo of Jonbenet was clearly taken months before at the very least.

    • Ash

      Ps – I’m sorry, I just listened to Christmas Star and now I understand that you were talking about her hair tie. However, I still stand by my hair color observation and I’m still not convinced the new last photo was even taken that night. Just my opinion.

      • crimerocket_pmfrt4

        You must have found the entire Christmas Star a pointless narrative, if you didn’t believe the photo the entire narrative was based around, wasn’t taken that night.

  20. JenSam

    I don’t think this is the last known photo,. Look at her brown hair ROOTS (new growth that hadn’t yet been dyed) in the crime scene photos snd in all the photos from Dec 23. She clearly hadn’t been to the hairdresser in a few weeks as her brown roots are very visible.
    But in this new “last photo”, the roots look recently dyed blonde. Makes no sense.

  21. Billy Joe

    I saw the 2019 Ramsey TV diatribe, extolling Smit. What got me was the crocodile tears from JR near the end. What a phoney he is.

    Also, Amanda Knox is complicit to Meredith Kercher’s death. Absolutely.

  22. Lysh

    Okay maybe I’m off my rocker but how did we get the pic of her in the caller with the blanket over her, if Dad rushed her upstairs as soon as he found her… 2 the “mole” appears slightly smudged on the edges, it doesn’t look natural in any way…. also, have we ever seen a pic of jonbenet with a mole like that, I’ve also seen her pics of a ring on her pinky most of the time, not the middle finger….but im a paperwork guru, so maybe I missed some things… love to hear your thoughts?

  23. L Reeves

    Question, why didn’t these people have any kind of a security system outside their house, in their house? It sure wasn’t for lack of money. How about having a dog, perhaps a German Sheppard. My GS would never allow anyone into my house in the wee hours of night.

    Well, its all too late now.
    JB was such a sweet little girl.

    So sorry princess

  24. Heidy Franz

    Don’t see a serious problem with the last picture. Only see that she has the same cloth hair band in her hair on the last picture alive and as she was found dead.

  25. Jose

    It looks to me like she is on her stomach. You can see a table in the background and what looks like a toy next to her. I have a picture with a wider view of her surroundings. It won’t let me post the picture. It’s also curious that there is only one scuff mark on the wall in the basement.

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