When Special Agent Grahm Coder gently prods Chris Watts about whether he’s “sure” the kids were still alive, do you notice how he answers? What does he reference?

This YouTuber is spot on in picking up the inconsistency of the so-called “last words”. While the CBI Report quotes Watts consistently repeating Bella’s last words as “Daddy, No!, the Daily Beast quotes Watts saying Bella said, “No Daddy!”

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I doubt there were any last words by Bella, or any running around the house around mommy’s body, and I don’t believe the children were taken to the CERVI 319 site alive and killed there. It didn’t happen.

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What did happen is worse, and it occurred before Shan’ann’s death as I’ve maintained throughout the TWO FACE series all along. The whole point of killing the children when they were, and the way they were, was to prevent what Watts once referred to as a “cry fest”. Just as Shan’ann’s murder was done to ward off a rowdy confrontation in the early hours of the morning, the girls were killed silently and discreetly and behind four walls.

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It’s interesting how in the first confession Watts also refers to this idea of “doing the same thing [murdering in the same way] to her [to a second person]”. In the Second Confession it swings from the first version of murdering Shan’ann the same way she murdered the kids to murdering Bella the same way he murdered her sister and/or Shan’ann.

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Unfortunately in the actual report of the discovery file, McKenna isn’t quoted talking about babysitting Bella, and Bella’s distress at being unable to sleep, and “what if Ceecee doesn’t wake up”. It is nevertheless recorded in the audio interview.

Discovery Documents Interview with McKenna Lindstrom + Audio [5th Tranche]

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I will be spending a lot of time deciphering these details and the overarching psychology of the Second Confession, as well as providing brand new insights, in TWO FACE ANNIHILATION, the seventh book in the series available in April 2019.
