True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Tag: Shan’ann Watts (Page 4 of 4)

Just a Hunch, but it looks like HLN called it wrong on Shan’ann’s 9th Grade Teacher

At the end of September, when HLN was still doing bumper-to-bumper coverage of the Watts case, Ashleigh Banfield interviewed Matt Francis. HLN described Francis as a “life-long” friend of Shan’ann’s. Really? Was he?

As proof of their friendship, a letter from 2002 [16 years ago, about the time Shan’ann left school] is read out on HLN.

“I just wanted you to know that I am going to miss you dearly. You are truly something special to me. You have always been there for me and have been very helpful. You helped bring out the true person in me back in the 9th grade…” 

So even when Shan’ann wrote the letter, she was eighteen-years-old, and looking back on four years prior.

“…and I can’t thank you enough for that [bringing out the true person in me]. Not only have you been there for me as a friend, but you have also been like a father figure to me.”

Anyway, that’s HLN’s version of the letter. Here’s the actual letter posted onto Facebook on September 25th.

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We won’t deal with the portent here of why she needed a father figure at fourteen, or what the blanked out text represents, or why the HLN version cuts off where it does.

What we want to examine here is whether Francis was really there for Shan’ann after 2002, or was he more of a johnny-come-lately?

Going back to the start of her interview, Banfield says: “You weren’t just her 9th grade teacher, you became a very close friend of hers…You kept up a friendship with her, right up to as I understand it, two weeks before she died you last communicated.”

As she says these words, Francis nods. His response is weird though.

FRANCIS: Yeah…I find out kinda late too [he found out late that his close friend had died]. But she was just doing a convention over there, and I was just so impressed with her doing Facebook Live, and the way she did it, and the way she’d become such an encourager, ummm…I just gave her a big…how much I’m proud of her on the Facebook Live message. 

Francis can’t seem to say the words, but Shan’ann was doing a Thrive convention, and Francis seemed to serendipitously stumble on her Facebook Live. From the sounds of his message, congratulating her on her performance, it was the first time in years that they’d communicated.

In other words, Shan’ann was selling her Thrive Kool-Aid, and Francis was buying, at least to the extent that he felt her selling patches at premium prices was “encouragement”, a Thrive keyword.


There’s also an ironic moment where Banfield asks Francis how to pronounce Shan’ann’s name, and he role-plays it, bobbing his head as SHANNA ANN. He describes her name as being “two syllables”, which is right, but the way he says it there are three.

Just looking at her name, that’s not how anyone would pronounce it correctly, and in three years [and to the current day] Francis doesn’t seem to know for sure how to say her name. For the record it’s Shan Ann [Shun-nan].

If Francis and HLN are a tad disingenuous in this interview [perhaps more than a tad], the real value in it is Francis’ observation that his former charge was once painfully shy, inside her shell and at fourteen she was teased a lot. In 20 years Shan’ann had transformed herself – not just physically, but also her personality.

In another segment, it’s weird that Francis describes Shan’ann in the present tense:

FRANCIS: Yeah, so…[laughs]. You’ll be amazed at how far she’s come; she’s a- she’s a wonderful, beautiful human being…who…uh…learned the power of giving her life away…uh…brings true joy.


But this part is meaningful.

FRANCIS: She was a very insecure young lady who didn’t have a lot of friends when I met her at fourteen-years-old. Uh…but she was brave enough to sign-up at beginning acting, and that’s where I think she made a big mistake…


We won’t delve any further into this, but personally I think it’s a poor show that Francis holds himself up to the media spotlight as a genuine, lifelong friend when that doesn’t appear to be the case at all.

A single comment on a Facebook Live promotional video doesn’t conver life-long friendship status, and what’s more likely, is that Shan’ann added him as a potential customer and asked him to be part of her Facebook Live audience and see if he was interested. Call it a hunch.


“Nickole Atkinson was Shan’ann’s Best Friend”

You tend to know a person through their friendships with other people. Besides the Thrive Kool-Aid crowd, who were Shan’ann’s friends? Who did she hang out with for fun and leisure? Who did she barbecue with and shoot the breeze? Did she know anyone, did she have any friends that weren’t part of her promotional team?

If so, who were they?

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Her Facebook page doesn’t appear to show anyone standing up for her, or looking for her when she disappeared, that wasn’t part of the Thrive cabal. Right now, her biggest supporter is her father and to some extent her younger brother. Any friends in Colorado raised their voices in support of Shan’ann [besides her work colleagues]?

Nickole and Shan’ann became friends not because of shared interests, but because of shared greed. They both wanted to make as much as they could out of their shared interest in MLM. The one was using the other and vice versa. That’s how MLM works.

Whoah! Isn’t that a little harsh?

Is it?

When Nickole was interviewed by ABC she made use of that opportunity to promote Thrive. Notice the sticker strategically sticking out under her shirt?

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This was Atkinson’s moment to talk about her “friend” and bear witness to her. A human being telling America about another human being that has been lost to the world.

In typical Thrive fashion, Atkinson saw this as a crucial opportunity to peddle product on national television. Using a murder investigation of her “friend” to sell patches.

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Does that say more about a genuine friendship or desperation?

Would you like to be a Prop in Shan’ann’s THRIVE spiel – *every* day?

The clip below is a classic example of Shan’ann using her husband and children as promotional props to sell THRIVE merchandise.

Shan’ann’s taking her kids to the zoo, but not without her fix of THRIVE Pure.

“They’ve already tested my patience this morning so…bottom’s up…”

Is Bella in the pantry because she’s being punished, or because Shan’ann’s implying they’re being punished? Or simply because Bella wanted to be in a dark room by herself?

In the clip below Shan’ann is teaching Bella to have a dream board just like her momma.

SHAN’ANN [While recording]: But w-what would like to add to your new vision board?

BELLA [Unsure, looks at her mother’s vision board for inspiration]: Um…my watch…uh…[inaudible].

SHAN’ANN: I know. [Suddenly barks a series of harsh, staccato words]. Focus! Child! [Snaps fingers]. Bella! Look at me! Hey! Focus!

Bella glances timidly at her mother holding the camera.

SHAN’ANN: What do you want to add to your new vision board?

Is four-years-old too young to be teaching kids to have goals? What kind of goals was Shan’ann teaching Bella to have?

At 3:46 Shan’amm tells Bella to show her the poster because everyone’s watching. She then goes into a spiel about Chris Collins, who, as a child wished for a Lamborghini and was told by his disbelieving mother that this [the picture] of the Lamborghini is the closest he’d ever get to getting one.

And now Chris Collins has two Lamborghinis – because he made a vision board as a kid.

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Is it realistic or constructive having a MLM person foisting Kool-Aid inspired fake fairy tales onto her children?

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Is there anything wrong with having dreams and gratitude custom branded?



How Happy were Celeste and Bella?

Someone left an off-the-wall comment on a YouTube video saying how sorry they feel for Deeter. He never seems to get any attention, does he?

What about the children?

This question is for the mothers out there. There are plenty of videos and photos with the kids in them. Do they seem generally happy to you? Were they normal, healthy children? Did Shan’ann’s autoimmune disease make her overly anxious as a mother, in terms of how she treated her daughters’ health?

What impact does social media addiction in the home have on small children, especially excessive focus on social media and selfies? What impact would the constant shepherding of kids as Thrive props have on their relationship with their mother. It’s now no longer fun and games, or spending time with mom in the kitchen, it’s the colder and more mercenary business of performing for and with mother towards a device – constantly.

My impression is that the children quickly began to associate the camera negatively. Just as children can be jealous and possessive of a parent, they can also feel their space impinged by the things that distract attention from themselves, especially the wholesale distraction which is social media.

The disastrous Christmas video is an excellent example of how this fixation on social media can spoil something as special and important for children as Christmas. Truth be told it can spoil it for everyone.

Social media seems to have had an above normal impact on the Watts home. It wasn’t just the photo taking, it was the extended videos on a daily basis, some lasting more than half an hour on a Saturday morning.

This continual distraction, especially of their primary care-giver, could have made them desperate to get their mother’s attention. In some videos one or both of the children are screaming, but Shan’ann continues recording regardless.

Another aspect is the napping of the kids. They both took regular naps with clockwork regularity, and Shan’ann often said they were napping while she was elsewhere in the house recording her sales pitches. As mothers, does this raise flags that they may have been sedated?

What’s your experience, and your observations? Do two and three-year-old’s easily nap together in the day.

Finally, well-balanced and attentive parents are better able to raise well-balanced children. Not always, but generally. Did an unbalanced family dynamic in the Watts home cause the children to feel more anxious and unsettled than they otherwise would, causing them to act out? Because of Shan’ann’s “health challenges”, did the children inherit poor health by default?

I guess the question we’re asking here indirectly is: Was Shan’ann a good mother?

Please leave your thoughts and impressions in the comments below. Additional examples from Shan’ann’s social media to illustrate your answer will be appreciated if you can find them.

Shan’ann Watts’ Rootless Rags-to-Riches Early Life + First Home in Belmont [PICTURES]

In the last 10 years of Shan’ann’s life, between October 2002 and January 2012, she appears to have moved an astonishing 20 times. That’s twice a year every year for 10 years. Over a similar if slightly shorter span of time, Chris Watts moved 7 times, averaging about a move per year.

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“I’ve pretty much had to work every Christmas since I can remember, because I was either waiting tables, um…in retail, or in the medical field. And all three of them are open on holidays.”

Meanwhile below Shan’ann talks a pretty big game – they’ve donated $500 000 to breast cancer awareness, she says. She says they’re shooting to donate another $500 000.

Consider that and the rags-to-riches evolution of Shan’ann’s journey to owning her own home.

Below is a list of 21 addresses Shan’ann lived in or worked in on her way to #2825 Saratoga Trail, in Frederick, Colorado. Images below show the map reference and the distance of the Watts family home outside Spring Lake. Note the sudden change in the neighborhood/type of home when Chris and Shan’ann move in together.

Information courtesy

  1. 220 Shaw Ave, APT 4 Southern Pines, NC 28387-6320  (10/16/2002 – 10/16/2002)Fullscreen capture 20181010 111224Fullscreen capture 20181010 111509Fullscreen capture 20181010 111158
  2. 108 Shelly Ln Cameron, NC 28326-6544  (12/15/2002 – 3/4/2004)Fullscreen capture 20181010 112340Fullscreen capture 20181010 112355
  3. 562 E Jackson Blvd Erwin, NC 28339-9629 (4/16/2004 – 4/16/2004)Fullscreen capture 20181010 114135Fullscreen capture 20181010 114151
  4. 10720 Chelsea 20 Ln Dunn, NC 28334 (10/5/2006 – 10/5/2006)Fullscreen capture 20181010 114633Fullscreen capture 20181010 114704Fullscreen capture 20181010 114739
  5. 284 Mae Byrd Rd, APT I8 Lillington, NC 27546-6610 (11/16/2006 – 11/16/2006)Fullscreen capture 20181010 115045Fullscreen capture 20181010 115058Fullscreen capture 20181010 115111
  6. 107 Chelsea Ln Dunn, NC 28334-8438 (7/20/2005 – 12/8/2006)Fullscreen capture 20181010 115358Fullscreen capture 20181010 115425Fullscreen capture 20181010 115435
  7. Elect Ladies Ministry Methodist Church 2725 Raeford Rd Fayetteville, NC 28303-5435 (12/5/2005 – 6/3/2007)Fullscreen capture 20181010 120356Fullscreen capture 20181010 120655

  8. Po Box 755 Biscoe, NC 27209-0755 (8/17/2007 – 8/17/2007)
  9. 216 Tanglewood Dr Southern Pines, NC 28387-4325 (11/16/2007 – 11/16/2007)Fullscreen capture 20181010 120945Fullscreen capture 20181010 121027Fullscreen capture 20181010 121038
  10. 135 Forest Dr Aberdeen, NC 28315-4446 (1/14/2002 – 2/28/2008)Fullscreen capture 20181010 121218Fullscreen capture 20181010 121230
  11. Fullscreen capture 20181010 121533Fullscreen capture 20181010 121552
  12. 520 W Th St, # 711 Charlotte, NC 28202 (11/28/2008 – 11/28/2008)
  13. 727 Carolina Dr Dunn, NC 28334-2657 (5/10/2004 – 2/26/2009)Fullscreen capture 20181010 121858Fullscreen capture 20181010 121913
  14. 520 W Fish St, APT 813 Charlotte, NC 28202 (5/15/2009 – 5/15/2009)Fullscreen capture 20181010 122207Fullscreen capture 20181010 122224
  15. 2639 Wilkinson Blvd Belmont, NC 28012 (8/9/2011 – 8/9/2011)Fullscreen capture 20181010 122440Fullscreen capture 20181010 122224
  16. 1978 Skibo Rd Fayetteville, NC 28314-1514 (7/16/2007 – 1/23/2008)Fullscreen capture 20181010 122641Fullscreen capture 20181010 122702
  17. 520 W 5th St, APT 711 Charlotte, NC 28202-1864 (7/23/2008 – 3/3/2009)

  18. 1ST HOME>>>1000 Peninsula Dr Belmont, NC 28012-8677 (1/1/2011 – 5/11/2016) At this point Chris Watts was living with Shan’ann.Fullscreen capture 20181010 122912Fullscreen capture 20181010 122954
  19. COLORADO>3040 Trinity Loop Broomfield, CO 80023-4671 (3/28/2012 – 12/11/2012) At this point Chris Watts was living with Shan’ann.Fullscreen capture 20181010 123222Fullscreen capture 20181010 122954Fullscreen capture 20181129 071821
  20. 2825 Saratoga Trl Frederick, CO 80516-2600 (1/1/2012 – 5/13/2013)4F25718A00000578-0-image-a-7_1534469824187

Below are a list of previous homes of Chris Watts [besides Vass Road where he lived until January 2004, and the homes he shared with Shan’ann in Belmont, Broomfield and Frederick]:

1.900 W Wilson Ave, APT 807 Mooresville, NC 28117-5218 (1/8/2004 – 4/8/2004)Fullscreen capture 20181010 124120Fullscreen capture 20181010 124114Fullscreen capture 20181010 124133

2. Map 119 Lynch Cir Mooresville, NC 28117-6915 (3/9/2006 – 6/25/2007)Fullscreen capture 20181010 124345Fullscreen capture 20181010 124402Fullscreen capture 20181010 124416

3. 405 Park Ave, APT 108 Davidson, NC 28036-5507 (8/24/2007 – 12/23/2010)Fullscreen capture 20181010 124554Fullscreen capture 20181010 124416

2011 appears to be the year things started to change for both of them – in terms of the class of home they were living in. 2012 was the year they married, and the bankruptcy followed 3 years later.

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