True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek
At 18:04:56 on the CCTV counter in Squad Interview Room 2 Chris Watts begins to “sympathize” with the events that played out that night. By that I mean he begins to make gestures to explain what he’s saying.
The entire “re-enactment” lasts about 45 seconds.
It should be seen and listened to in context, however. Watts is being asked what it felt like [killing his wife], how long it took and what he was doing. This is worth reviewing from 1:26:20 in the video along with the transcript.
Special Agent Grahm Coder asks Watts whether Shan’ann screamed.
CODER: Was she talking? Was she scratching you?
WATTS: I-I-uh-I-I didn’t…I just felt…such anger…that…none-nothing-I didn’t feel anything.
CODER: Oh yeah. Alright. Was it quick or slow? Was it…?
WATTS [Gesturing]: I felt so numb I felt like it was over [gestures with his hands]…
CODER: Fast? Over fast?
WATTS [Gestures]: Felt like…
CODER: Was it a choke like this [gestures] or was it a head lock [gestures]?
Agent Tammy Lee who also did his polygraph test, interrupts and gesturing, asks Watts to hold out his hand and show how he choked Shan’ann [in his scenario to them] on the bed.
She also asks Watts to describe how Shan’ann killed the children, and Watts objects, saying the monitors were black and white, but also that it was dark.
There’s a serious problem in Watts’ description here? Do you see it?
I provide deeper analysis and an answer to this puzzling aspect in RAPE OF CASSANDRA, my fourth book on the Watts case, coming in early December.
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