True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

CASE CLOSED! Er…hello…I still have a few nagging questions about the Chris Watts case, including about Nichol Kessinger wiping her phone…

I get that the Chris Watts case is already filed away in some Weld Country Court archive,  gathering dust, and everyone is getting their closure, but I have one or two niggly little questions. If you don’t mind, I’d like to submit a handful of low-hanging apples with worms in them.

#1. Nichol Kessinger deleted all the photos and messages [aka evidence] linking herself to Watts from her phone before she approached law enforcement with her story.

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#2. The Judge has described this crime as the most vicious he’s dealt with in 17 years on the bench, and the prosecutor said he can’t describe the horror of it, can’t fully explain the motive and doesn’t expect Watts to do so either.

Although Watts was strip-searched and photographed from head-to-toe for injuries, he wasn’t subjected to a drugs, alcohol or Thrive patch chemicals in his system test.

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#3. Why were the Watts family represented by a Denver-based attorney at the sentencing hearing? And why is almost nothing known or reported about Ms Powers?

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#4. How was it that the Watts parents were “misinformed” three months after the murders if they retained legal counsel [and a local lawyer at that] and why did they repeatedly suggest their son was coerced all week long in the lead-up to the sentencing hearing?Fullscreen capture 20181121 130640

#5. The sentencing hearing was scheduled for two hours, yet it was over within 45 minutes. The defense attorney for Chris Watts spoke on behalf of her client for a grand total of 14 seconds. Chris Watts defense amounted to a single sentence in which his lawyer spoke of “hollow words”. Indeed.

The entire trial narrative provided in court by the District Attorney was fielded in less than thirteen minutes. The press conference afterwards after sentencing lasted more than twice as long as the defense and prosecution narratives combined [37 minutes].

Why were so few specifics provided during the sentencing hearing?  Even the specifics that were given were vague: no times, no names, no locations actually identified.

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Sincerely, TCRS


  1. Sylvester

    yes and the DA said the fact that Nichole deleted her messages initially hampered the investigation. So she’s helpful, but only after the fact – probably not wanting to appear complicit. Also while Sha’nann was in North Carolina the DA says she was getting alerts on her phone from the credit card company that he was spending large amounts of money in North Denver. Could that be the origin of her tweet “he’s living like a bachelor eating steak and shrimp”. Who was having the shrimp, I think we can guess. Another odd ball thing. Watts was seen going in and out of the house 3 times, they surmise one time for each body. Did Nathan’s camera really capture all of that inside the Watts garage? Will they ever release any and all videos connected to this crime? Case closed my ass.

    • nickvdl

      It seems like they were both big spenders, doesn’t it? DA also said Watts was buying jewelry while his family were in NC, same thing Scott Peterson did. Jewelry is a big step in a relationship. It’s a statement of commitment and investment. It’s saying this relationship means a lot to me, and the acceptance of that is a statement too.

      No, the surveillance camera only picked up a partial peripheral view from slightly behind the Watts garage.

      This blog post provides the set-up of the neighbor’s camera quite nicely.

      • Carol

        I think the DA said he was checking out vacation spot in aspen and checking out jewelry sites, things you’d do in a new relationship…….no mention of him buying any jewelry or booking the vacation

        • nickvdl

          If he was checking out vacation spots and jewelry sites online and his wife was away for 5 weeks, do you think he maybe went to one, and bought some jewelry? I mean, if you argue that he was “just looking”, that’s great, I guess you’re arguing his affair wasn’t serious and wasn’t a big deal. But then why did he murder his family, because it wasn’t a big deal? Or did he go to the vacation sites to book vacations, jewelry sites to buy jewelry?

    • Karie Schneider

      Everyone is putting two and two together and getting five. Nichol is an unsavory character, due to her having had an affair with a married man, and being so unapologetic about it.. Her “sobbing” in the interview room was so fake it was pathetic, but I think people are mistaken that she deleted him from her phone because she had been in on the murders.

      When I broke up with a guy, I immediately deleted every single trace of him from my phone and computer. I didn’t want to see his name or texts we exchanged because it was too painful. Just to see him name clutched at my heart. Also, I wanted to retain my dignity and not reach out to him in my heartbreak….it’s hard not to call a man when you miss him terribly.

      As for Watts saying that Nichol told him to delete all their texts (IF he’s actually telling the truth, for once), that is understandable. She knew that the police and media would see them, and think she was involved in the killings. She also knew that she would be castigated for having the affair to begin with.

      She was, I am sure, shocked and terrified at this point. I cannot imagine being in her place. She was probably frightened half to death that he would come after HER, and that she might be charged with something.

  2. Sylvester

    Thank you.

  3. Annoyed

    I agree, the case is FAR from closed! If anything I have even more questions after sentencing!!!!! The whole way this was handled had irked me. The DA was arrogant in my opinion too.

  4. Kaye

    I wonder what the report about the many hairs in the back of his truck meant. It doesn’t sound like he cut much of their hair off (the autopsy report, the tuft of hair on the tank)?

    • Debbie

      And how did the hairs get there if he loaded them into the cab of the truck? No sense at all

  5. Sylvester

    Not that I’m sympathizing but I do think Watts would have had a case. To use a poker analogy he could have bluffed. It appears that the DA wanted to suppress the autopsy results because of the blood alcohol level found in her spleen – .125 – and didn’t want to give the impression to a future jury that she had been drinking – until further tests could be done to prove that the alcohol level was due to body decomposition. But Chris’s attorneys would have seen the autopsy results right off, and indicated so to Watts so that he could at least have used that card. I just think he should have had better attorneys. It all happened too fast. A rush to judgment as Johnnie Cochran would say.

    • nickvdl

      I also think he had a case. Excellent point about the blood alcohol. I actually called a friend of mine who is studying forensic medicine and recently advised in a murder/suicide investigation. He said it’s not unusual for alcohol to form in dead bodies, but thought the amount was higher than he’d expect. He said he’d come back to me with more info.
      The alcohol and the missing time of death are issues of doubt that could have played into the defense case. But I also think he would have needed a witness to testify for him, like Kessinger. Only, I think she decided not to.

      • Sylvester

        It does seem like an abnormally high rate of alcohol, although not being a forensic scientist I don’t understand about a decomposing body. Dead on the 13th, found on the 16th, autopsy on the 17th if I’m not mistaken. Just a wild hair of an idea, if she had returned home to an emotional conversation, had a swig of vodka, gone to bed she would have been a knocked out easy target. I find it strange that an adult woman, weighing 140 pounds, wouldn’t have kicked, scratched or clawed. Sounds like the little girl Bella put up more of a fight. If he were straddling her as she lay flat on the bed, he might have had his knees on her arms, but she still has her legs free. Even the investigators said no signs of a struggle in the house. This gets more and more unbelievable to me. If he had money for a skilled attorney and could call their own experts, they could make hay of the autopsy I would think.

    • Debbie

      It’s natural to assume a pregnant woman who loves her kids so much and was all about healthy living, wouldn’t have touched a drop of alcohol. Her friends and supporters claim foul when any attempt is made to suggest she may have been drunk, and are very quick to mention the affects of decomposition (has anyone compared these levels with other similarly deceased autopsies?) – but interestingly, Shanann herself mentions alcohol, – and wanting to get drunk – several times in her text messages to Addy.

      Let’s play ‘Devils Advocate’ for a second – what if she WAS drunk? How would that change the ball-park of this murder?


      they already had him while he was in interrogation…GPS led them to the spot,they saw the sheet, and looked for the grave as he was in office…. as far as Shannon’s murder I don’t think a lawyer could have helped him they have his GPS bringing him to that site they found the sheet the grave was very easy to find I think he was done in for anyway

  6. camie

    What bothers me surrounds Nichol. She gets this new boyfriend, she has a Facebook page. Yet, she never takes a look at his page which may have led to Shanann’s page which was public and loaded with pics and comments about her husband AND it’s public! Come on, not in this day and age.

    • Sylvester

      I would be willing to bet Camie that Nichole Kessinger saying she was lied to over and over by Chris is what got her blood boiling enough to call the police and report their affair. 1) she thought he was in the process of divorcing or that it was final; 2) she had been on numerous dates with him – slept with him – she had hopes of a future with him; 3) she finds out his wife was pregnant –
      She didn’t want to do the right thing, she wanted to get even, imo – much like Amber Frey who conspired with the investigation to secretly tape Scott. Boo Hiss on these women!

      • Cheryl

        Wasn’t Nicole married as well??

      • Cheryl

        I think Amber Frey is different from Nichole, since Nichole worked with Chris and knew he was married. I believe Amber lived about 100 miles away, and the advent of social media was several years into the future. And why the animosity toward “these women” who “conspire” with criminal investigations? Really? Is this yet another one of women’s duties prescribed by the male patriarchy—to facilitate their crimes?? Wow. Whatever happened to being the good little woman, or “the wife,” just cooking, scrubbing, and screwing?? Those were the days! I’m waxing nostalgic here!!

    • Connie Kay Crabtree

      Remember he deleted his facebook page it was stated in one of her video’s before her 5 week trip

  7. Alyson Marie Rogers

    Maybe he knew he had cooked his goose when the autopsy revealed that the children had been smothered which was wholly inconsistent with his story about Shannan strangling them. I do wonder whether he would have not pled if he had said she smothered and not strangled them, at the outset. After all Rourke lined up a defense when he said Watts’ call to the co-worker was not unusual -and I don’t think the affair automatically goes to murder. Thankfully Watts is a complete idiot as well as all the other names i could call him and justice was served. There must be lots of other damning evidence, other than the smother/strangling mistake too, I guess.

  8. Eleni Palmos

    Nick: The doll covered in tarp that Shannan posted to Facebook shortly before her death is my biggest question. Do you have any additional information on it? Harbinger of death.

    • nickvdl

      No, no additional information.

      • Eleni Palmos

        I feel like writing to the Weld County DA. I always thought that it was Chris sending a chilling message to Shannan. The doll must have come up during the investigation. Will they open up all those files?

      • Karen

        Could NK have sent that doll message? Because he didn’t know whether the girls were strangled or smothered, could that mean he wasn’t the one who actually did it. There was something somewhere that said NK was sending messages to shanan from CW phone. Could she sent the pic of doll. Doesn’t seem like something CE would do. The neighbor spotted an unknown truck parked. Not saying he had nothing to do with it but I think NK was the instigator and took part in it. Hevwas easily manipulated when questioned.

    • Debbie

      What if the doll wasn’t done by the children? What if the doll was done by someone else who had got into the house without Shanann knowing, – like the mistress who claimed she didn’t have the house access code (pull the other one, it’s part of the mistress profile to know these things!)
      What if the doll was what it looked like – a menacing threat.
      Did anyone ever watch ‘Fatal Attraction’ and see the part that coined the phrase ‘bunny-boiler’?

      • Mom of 3

        I really think the mistress had more to do with this. Chris’s mother said that when him and shanann first met he did anything for her, I could kinda see this when stuff went south and he didn’t want to bring her into it. And how fast she was to pin him saying she thought he did it. I’m annoyed they didn’t investigate her more. Of course she called police, if she called first they would suspect her. Idk I think there is a lot more to the story Chris knows but is protecting her. What if she was there that night and she was the one that did it because he couldn’t. She seems like a crazy that would do that. Guess they will see if she does it to another guy with a beautiful family. She’s just as big of a monster as he is.

  9. nickvdl

    There’s as much chance of them making the files public as the Ramsey case. So should happen real soon.

  10. Shannon

    The whole case is a sham.
    Too many questions left.
    Wonder if Chris might change his mind.

  11. Shannon

    Might have a drink on airplane.
    Interesting I have found:
    1)Sandi Ornati…her FB…. lupus, pics of Shanann. Funny how different last name.
    2) Frank Rzucek… dad…FB….Xmas stuff, 1 pic of Shanann.
    3) Frankie…pic of newspaper, article on Chris.
    4) Shanann page……All about Thrive, ad saying call us.
    No front pic of her at all!!!
    5) that friend…I forgot her name…haven’t checked.
    Interesting how Shanann page has Changed and their trying to sell Thrive.
    Forget about Deleting her page.
    Says alot about “this” family!

  12. Shannon

    The kids had Thrive sleep stuff, plus drugs.
    Could he buy himself….a piece of jewelry?
    That thing never said he gave her any jewelry.
    We don’t know if Shanann takes anything at bedtime. Plus maybe drink on plane.
    Sleep pills, Thrive, other drugs.
    For a small Timeframe…coming home, small Seperation talk, her bed…strange….him waiting, killing 3, loading truck, driving, dumping bodies…..then him work…..
    Wouldn’t you be exhausted?
    Sweaty, dirty, oily…..unless he didn’t have to show up in front of people at work.
    Big giant mistake, him calling school, real estate……what was he thinking?

    A Miracle….if you ask me!
    Something not quite right.
    For one scratch on her neck…..her right hand grabbed his hands, maybe too late she woke up…she then maybe scratch him on neck?
    It would all depend on what she took.
    Maybe he didn’t care about getting caught…maybe he resolved this is my fate….Why…..
    All killers know at one point they might get caught. I’m assuming.

  13. Shannon

    Nicole was married not too long if I remember and I think someone, her husband sued Chris and her for indefinitely…if I read correctly…..LOL.
    His name is different…oh dear I forget it now. If you need…let me know

    • nickvdl

      Hey Shannon – can I ask you a favor? Write one comment and post it. You wrote four here, including three replies to yourself. Just spend a little time thinking, deciding what you want to say, and then comment. If everyone does this these pages will become real messy real fast, and I know many people come to read the comments. Think of them too.

      • Shannon

        Terribly sorry.

      • Nichole A

        Wow. Is it really screwing your shitposts up for her to comment more than once? That’s so rude. I for one won’t be reading any more of your “content”

        Speaking of narcissists. Just, wow.

  14. Ilovecatsanddogs

    I still don’t understand why both Chris and shan’ann did not have any bruises or scratches. Even if you’re being strangled, from front or back, you could use your arms and legs and body weight. If he had his knees on her arms I would expect bruising there.

    I don’t know how Chris watts possibly thought he could ever get away with this, knowing there are cameras on his street, cadaver dogs, his texts to the co worker, calling the school and real estate, texts and calls to his mistress, the back sliding glass door locked (where no cameras were) and a supposed killer (not Chris) would have no entrance/ exit way of taking the three of them, since Chris had no explanation of why her car was in the garage, the sheet left in the trash and the matching sheet left at the oil site, plus her keys and meds and purse. Chris watts would have to be classified as a “dumb criminal”. He was never going to get away with this. Plus his internet searches. Did he really think he was going to be in a position to suddenly go on a vacation after his family was wiped out? Maybe the thrive patches screwed up his ability for basic reasoning?

    I think nicol kessinger left a lot “unsaid”.

    Thanks nick for your very informative blog!

    • Eleni Palmos

      It feels like Chris Watts was so used to tricking people his entire life that he crazily thought he would pull this off. The key is that the collective us do not care about him and so cannot be tricked.

      His mom must have been shocked at the US reaction to her words. See how quick she backed down?

      • nickvdl

        He lived in the MLM universe, which is central station for addled minds, not critical thinking.

    • Blexy

      I think my friend summed it up pretty well- “the guy must have never watched a day of ID Discovery in his life!”

    • nickvdl

      Have you read my first book? I’d love to explain why there are no defensive wounds but I’ve done it so many times now.

      • Astrid

        oh PLEASE tell us WHY there are no defensive wounds. Just ONE MORE TIME, please. Pretty Please.

  15. Shannon

    I just read that Chris told a co worker that a few months before murders that Shanann got really mad at Cece and grabbed her by the throat. Apparently someone else there also.
    Also that Shanann and a coworker or higher up position at the tire/car place were ripping off employees, benefits. Apparently she was shady at this place. Her boss said she was bossy, aggressive and telling Chris what to do all the time.
    Shanann’ at a Thrive party telling some girls she got pregnant to keep Chris from leaving.
    I bet she was a real doozy to deal with.

    • Cheryl

      Yep. Much more to this story…

      • nickvdl

        Can you folks do me a favor? If you’re going to pass on stories, provide a source [a link to the story/forum/website], otherwise please don’t pass them on.

    • michele anderson (@lovelostgrl)

      Apparently he was the actual doozy, since he murdered her and their two children.

    • Mom of 3

      I seen some of that stuff too! That she was bossy towards him, and impatient.

  16. JC

    Several more details revealed by DA Rourke in the Greeley Tribune today. He seems willing to expand on what he knows, but was carefully selective in what he felt appropriate to share in front of the family at the sentencing hearing. Hopefully Denver Post will do a more in depth interview and article in their Thanksgiving Day edition. So many questions…

  17. nickvdl

    Thanks JC, this is an excellent article.

    • nickvdl

      Awesome thanks MVM.

  18. Connie bowers

    Chris W. Realtor called him on the 13 th of Aug and gave him an address to go look at on his way home. The address is 6508 Saratoga. I googled searched it and found it listed @ $599.000
    5 bed 4 bath. Well if he and Nicole K. We’re NOT planning on moving in together and all the financial troubles, how was he even asking for places in a half a million price range? It had listed,that it was the largest property in the neighborhood, area wise.
    Nicole’s interview was creepy, her voice kept changing.. And when she pretended to cry, omg..she seemed to remark on all the expensive things inside watts house and said she could tell it cost a lot. Sounded like she was in envy, like she was mesmerized..the house was nicely decorated, but to me the stuff didn’t fall into the ‘got money’ category.
    Anywho…that girl Nicole k. Played Chris like a fine guitar… She knew full well when she googled them almost a yr befor they met..

    • MattyB

      6508 was a comp for a market analysis. Not a prospective house to buy.

    • MattyB

      On Aspen, chronologically in the discovery it looks like he searched that after agreeing to go away the following week with Shanann the next weekend. Wonder if his call on 8/13 was to cancel a reservation like he called the school or make a new one?

  19. nickvdl

    I seem to recall it was listed as $399 000, but it still had a three car garage. Why did he need a three car garage if he’s own truck couldn’t even fit in his garage at home.

  20. Shannon

    Apparently Nicole had a Booty call on the side. Some guy named Jim.
    While seeing Chris.
    Not so innocent is she.

    • Karen

      Yeah. “Friend” with a key. Yeah sure. Other pics of the two of them together came up in investigation.

  21. Jennifer

    I just want to know…did they perform a polygraph on Nicole? In one interview she played with her hair .. not upset of what happened to these folks. I my humble opinion…there is more to this story involving her and I just don’t understand why law enforcement is not looking at her more closely. What was that monster thinking as he stuffed his kids in the oil tanks.

  22. Todd

    Having read the entire discovery document, viewed the majority of the video content, and perused many a website like this one to include reading the comments, here is what I have come up with:

    1. Chris’ body transformation from 245 to 180 empowered him to seek more attention. He felt cheated in that he had never had this type of attention, and when he received it from NK, he latched on to the feeling it gave him. She made him feel the way SW had probably stopped making him feel long ago. Where SW became an obligation and an obstacle, so did the children. In order to feel that euphoric NK evoked feeling every day, he needed a way out.
    2. The five weeks he spent alone while the family was in NC was a slice of heaven for CW. The one week he spent in NC was a dreary reminder of his actual reality. He now had something to contrast things with. He has a fitness freak who enjoys exotic sex, mustang museums, and active living on one hand…pumping up his ego…but on the other hand, he has a driven, career focused wife who sees him as a man child and treats him accordingly. Her insistence of living life on social media with CW in the background wasn’t lost on CW. And that reality was coming back home in the early morning hours of 8/13/18 in the form of his driven, focused, social media savvy and understandably controlling wife. With one last weekend of bliss, his instinct was on overdrive. He acted accordingly, and thought about the details later. His problem was, it was much too late. The murder of SW took place after 2:30 am on 8/13, as she attempted to make a hair product purchase only to find her card denied. CW would not have made that purchase, unless of course it was a ploy for him to throw off investigators to make them think SW was actively making a purchase. However, his planning was so poor, this would not have been an idea he would have had. Likely, an argument ensued after the card was declined. He killed her, then his children. I do not believe he killed the children first. It would have left too much at risk had SW discovered the dead children and possibly gotten to a phone. Think about it…she’s home at 1:48 and checks on the girls. They are asleep. Checks on CW, and he is asleep. She’s unwinding. Goes to make a purchase. Card declined. Sees the last purchase. 60 bucks at the lazy dog. She confronts Chris. He murders her. She died first. The kids death while unfathomable was a panic move. Unplanned.
    3. NK probably never gave him an ultimatum. She was not complicit in the deeds. However, she did share that she had been asked out by other men. CW feared losing her perhaps more than he feared getting caught. In the moment, on that last weekend, he reacted accordingly.
    4. CW never counted on SW’s friend Nicole showing up to blow up his spot. He wanted to have the afternoon and evening to clean up the scene, perhaps move the car, meds, phone, keys, purse. Had the friend not dropped by, he may have had some wiggle room.
    5. CW was a smart and skilled man, but he was narcissistic, which made him a dumb criminal. He didn’t think through his crime before he committed it. There were no contingency plans, and no plans to explain the whereabouts of his family even had he the chance to clean up.
    6. NK was unwittingly made aware of the crime before the police were. There is a 51 and 48 minute phone call made after the murders but before NK comes coward. She’s stuck. What does she do? Self preservation takes over. She forced plausible deniability by wiping her phone clean and coming half clean with the police. This was likely done out of guilt and fear. Her lies were to try to preserve her reputation. However, they give off a degree of suspicion. She knows she was interested in CW in 2017. She knows she is aware of SW and her situation. She knows she’s at least somewhat responsible for his twisted fantasy. So she tries to outthink the police, not knowing they already have many answers.
    7. NK May have tipped off investigators as to the whereabouts of the bodies which makes her a witness worth protecting, hence WPP. This would not be made public or appear in discovery. Let’s not forget, as CW was confessing, police were at the dump site. True, this could have been due to GPS data, but maybe also a tip from NK. This may explain why they pulled back on pursuing any case against her.
    8. This was a crime of desperation. It was not a crime of passion. The weight loss, inability to handle the attention he received, and inability to deal with going back to his Walter Mitty life created an inner universe where perhaps he could wipe the slate clean and start anew with NK. Maybe then she would see that he was serious. That he didn’t want her dating other men. That if he could make the ultimate commitment to her, perhaps she would do the same. It makes no sense to rational thinkers, but CW was not one of us.
    9. CW’s post murder behavior was panic induced. Calling Primrose elementary, the real estate agent, and the hasty disposal of the bodies in a place they would certainly have been found were panic moves once the cloud of fantasy lifted. Panic moves are usually dumb.
    10. Chris’ best bet would have been to hit the road rather than return home once he knew the police and SW friend Nicole were waiting for him at his home for that initial contact . He may have had to ditch the truck and steal a car…he was a trained mechanic….perhaps live in the woods or somehow get to Mexico. But he would have had a better chance of getting away. He was tailed by police shortly after the initial contact on 8/13, and never stood a chance to run after that. He’d have been caught, but would have had a few days of freedom to figure out his next steps.
    11. NK’s vocal fry should have been enough to have been the deal breaker here. No way could anyone in their right mind choose that vocal fry over even a hum drum normal life.

    In my opinion, this case is captivating because we cannot possibly understand the choices that CW made. By most accounts NK was no physical or trophy upgrade from his wife. Possibly the opposite. But from an emotional standpoint, she gave him what he wanted. In his mind, the loss of that could not be risked. We can’t fathom wiping out a young family, but in his mind, they were not people …but obstacles preventing him from that fantasy life. Fear and jealousy drive this crime. He was not equipped to think on his feet in the moment. And thank God he wasn’t able to, as it was open and shut from the get go. Once the worst was done, he lacked the capacity to make a single self-saving move. Self image, self esteem, rejection, fantasy, resentment, and a warped sense of reality all came together in a perfect storm. He desired the life he did not have, and he impulsively acted on that desire. It’s ugly, it makes no sense, it’s tragic and maddening. It will happen again one day, and we will make comparisons to this case when that time comes.

    • Marie

      Todd, SW already knew about the 60.00 charge to the credit card before she left Arizona.

      • Todd

        Perhaps, then, she was onto the evening out on Saturday when he stated he was at the Rockies game and instead went to the dunes?

    • Ilovedogsandcats

      I agree with a lot you wrote, Todd, but I don’t think Chris watts is a narcissist. He was too passive, his self esteem low. Passive people do not show reactions to “slights” from others, like shanann humiliating him publicly; instead, they have the capacity to shove their rage deep inside and compartmentalize it. He probably learned to do this as a child when dealing with his controlling mother.

      This is also why he gravatated towards strong controlling women. He needed them because he was incapable of making his own decisions in life. I am surprised he had it in him to pursue NK to begin with.

      Along with compartmentalizing his rage, he did so with his emotions too. This is how he was able to go on tv and act unaffected.

      It was very very important to him that people viewed him as a good guy. People st worked respected him a lot. But he was not respected at home. In shanann’s Videos she always had the kids say hi but ignored Chris like he wasn’t even there.

      Just like he ran from his mom to go to school, I think he took shanann’s “hits” because he knew one day he would runaway from her too. Even before he met NK.

      Had the murders not happened and he stayed with NK, eventually she would control and manipulate him too and this relationship would have ended too. NK said she was already taking control by deciding where they would eat, where they would go.

      CW will be happy in prison. No decisions to make, he can finally be himself, no controlling women, no crushing financial debt.

      • Mom of 3

        Todd and Ilovedogsandcts I agree with a lot of what both of you said. You both summed it up to a tee…

    • George

      From pg 587..
      “SHANANN’s mother called back around 1100-1130 hours and spoke with her. MEYER
      said that SHANANN’s mother said that she was SHANANN’s mom and that everything was fine, and not to tell anyone that she called. She said don’t tell anyone that I called, and excuse me for caring, don’t worry about anything. MEYER said that she told SHANANN’s mom that she was glad everything was ok and that she was glad that they were able to talk to SHANANN and SHANANN’s mother was hurried and hung up.
      MEYER said SHANANN’s mother called back again and spoke with WOOD around 1500 hours.”

      Why did Shannan’s mother make these calls?

  23. Ilovedogsandcats

    I also believe a very loud and hellish fight ensued that night after SW couldn’t make her hair products purchase online cuz her CC was maxed out. I am sure she woke up CW in the basement and confronted him about the mistress, probably said the baby wasn’t his, and that she would be taking the girls away (North Carolina?), getting full custody, making him pay both child support and alimony. He killed her there in the basement which is prob why Cece didn’t wake up.

    He had told the police that Bella had woken up twice. Maybe the second time was during this awful fight, so tho he loved his kids, he “switched off” his emotions and killed them too. He panicked and all of his actions that night were incredibly impulsive. I don’t think anything was premeditated. If it had been premeditated he would have made sure his kids were at a sleepover.

    There was zero evidence that he had any history of mental illness. People without personality disorders and mental illnesses can and do kill too.

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