True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

QUIZ: Want to Win Book 4 in the TWO FACE Series? See how many of these 10 Questions you can Answer Correctly

In true crime some of the simplest questions are often the toughest, the most misunderstood or the most difficult to answer. But if we can’t answer some of the simple questions, then it really calls into question our entire efforts [and capacity] to figure out, let alone solve a case.

As criminal cases go the Chris Watts case appears extremely straightforward on the surface He confessed, the cops were onto him almost immediately, and so were a bunch of witnesses. But the reality is the Chris Watts case is a lot murkier than it seems. It has two faces, a shallow surface and a bottomless, darker, deeper face.

In order to clear away the murk, see how many of the questions posed below you can answer. A word of advice, take a few moments to consider the possibilities before answering.

For those who’d like a chance to win TWO FACE RAPE OF CASSANDRA, leave a comment below but make sure you have a Kindle, have read a Kindle book before and know how to receive and download a gifted copy. If you’d like to be in the running for a free giveaway, leave the word #tcrsKindle in your answer.

Whoever gets the most right answers first, wins.

  1. What is the correct spelling and full name of Shan’ann’s unborn child?
  2. On August 12th, when was the gender reveal due to be held?
  3. Who had the envelope and knew the name on behalf of the Watts family?
  4. On what day did Chris Watts delete or deactivate his Facebook?
  5. When did Nichol Kessinger search for Shan’ann Watts for the first time?
  6. Why were the autopsy reports sealed?
  7. Where was Deeter kept while Chris Watts was out at CERVI 319 on August 13th?
  8. Who found Shan’ann’s phone?
  9. What was the code for Shan’ann’s phone?
  10. What else was found next to the phone?

10/10 = Rocket Scientist

8-9 = True Crime Guru

4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

2-3 = Rookie

0-1 = Wannabe/Ignoramus

Coming soon…



  1. Sylvester

    Here goes. But I already know I don’t know several.

    1. Nico Lee Watts
    2. August 18 2018
    3. no answer – a stab though – Cassie Sha’nann’s friend from Hawaii
    4. no answer
    5. December 13 2018 before 9 a.m.
    6. Because of the high alcohol content in Sha’nann’s spleen
    7. The basement
    8. Nicholas A. (Nickole UA’s son)
    9. 11819
    10. Sha’nann’s watch

    • nickvdl

      Thanks for playing.

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

      • Sylvester

        Oh no! When the quiz is over please answer the ones I missed so I can learn. Thanks!

    • Marie

      Sylvester, I believe the answer to no.4 is Aug 12, day before the murders. You deserve to win,, you always leave great comments!

      • nickvdl

        That’s an incorrect answer Marie.

  2. Marie

    Looks like I am a wannabe ! Thanks for the work that you do here Nick.

  3. Sylvester

    Thank you Marie, that was very kind of you to say.

  4. camerynjenkins80 lee watts
    2. The following Saturday
    3. Nickole atkinson
    5.sept. 2017??
    6. Alcohol content shananns tox report
    8. Nickole atkinsons son’s due date
    10 shananns apple watch

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  5. Karen

    1. Nico Lee Watts
    2. August 18th
    3. Nicole A
    4. August 8th
    5. Sept.1, 2017
    6. Because of Sha’nann’s BAC level
    7. Basement
    8. Nick Atkinson
    9. 013119
    10. pillows

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  6. Shannon

    1) Nico Lee Watts.
    2) Aug 13 2018
    3) Frankie
    4)1 week before
    5) Morning of Aug 13
    6) plea deal
    7) garage
    8)Nicolas , Nicokole’s son
    10) Watch

  7. Shannon

    Oh dear I forget #tcrsKindle

    • nickvdl

      Thanks for trying Shannon.

      2-3 = Rookie

      • Shannon

        I have a hard time reading documents. Doing it on my phone, so small.

  8. Steffie

    1 – Niko (Lee)
    2 – Gender revel was cancelled by Aug 12th
    3 – Ashley Bell
    4 – August 11th
    5 – September 1st, 2017
    6 – Sealed because of Shan’ann’s high blood alcohol level in toxicology testing
    7 – Kitchen area with no access to the front door
    8 – Nick Atkinson
    9 – Baby’s due date 013119
    10 – Nothing next to it but it had pillows on top of it


    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

      • Steffie

        Can we have a second bite of the cherry (as Advocate Graham van der Spuy would say generously 😂)

  9. Sylvester

    Oh what a dolt I am. For #5 I knew what it was and I typed something else. Of course it’s not December. Well too late. Sitting in the present with my head in the future. I hope someone gets all ten! Good luck guys.

  10. Shannon

    Oh I’m embarrassed now.

  11. Kim

    1. What is the correct spelling and full name of Shan’ann’s unborn child? Niko 2. On August 12th, when was the gender reveal due to be held? The following weekend but she cancelled it b/c Chris was not acting right 3. Who had the envelope and knew the name on behalf of the Watts family? Nicole 4. On what day did Chris Watts delete or deactivate his Facebook? The Thursday prior to the murders 5. When did Nichol Kessinger search for Shan’ann Watts for the first time? September 2017 6. Why were the autopsy reports sealed? So the public would not misinterpret S.W. blood alcohol level 7. Where was Deeter kept while Chris Watts was out at CERVI 319 on August 13th? The basement 8. Who found Shan’ann’s phone? Nichole’s son 9. What was the code for Shan’ann’s phone? 10. What else was found next to the phone? Thrive patch or packet

    Kimberly M. Chapman, R.D. , L.D. 601-248-1687

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  12. Georgia

    1. Nico Lee Watts
    2. Saturday 18th August 2018
    3. Frank Rzucek
    4. August 11th 2018
    5. 1st September 2017
    6. Autopsy not initially release due to Shan’ann’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) determined at .128
    7. The basement
    8. Nick Atkinson
    9. Baby Nico’s due date
    10. Shan’ann’s watch

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  13. joanneseguin230

    1. What is the correct spelling and full name of Shan’ann’s unborn child? Nico 2. On August 12th, when was the gender reveal due to be held? Aug 18 3. Who had the envelope and knew the name on behalf of the Watts family? no idea guessing her mom! 4. On what day did Chris Watts delete or deactivate his Facebook? day before the murder so…12th? 5. When did Nichol Kessinger search for Shan’ann Watts for the first time? a year ago!! 6. Why were the autopsy reports sealed? no idea, would like to know 7. Where was Deeter kept while Chris Watts was out at CERVI 319 on August 13th? some room in the basement 8. Who found Shan’ann’s phone? Nicholas 9. What was the code for Shan’ann’s phone? Nico’s birthdate 10. What else was found next to the phone? wallet

    On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 11:59 AM True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs wrote:

    > nickvdl posted: “In true crime some of the simplest questions are often > the toughest, the most misunderstood or the most difficult to answer. But > if we can’t answer some of the simple questions, then it really calls into > question our entire efforts [and capacity] to figur” >

    • nickvdl

      Thanks for trying Joanne:

      2-3 = Rookie

  14. Linda

    1. Nico Lee Watts (Although, Shan’ann referenced his name as Niko in an August text message).
    2. 8/18/2018
    3. Nickole Atkinson
    4. 8/11/2018
    5. 9/01/2017
    6. Shan’ann’s BAC level
    7. Basement stairwell
    8. Nicholas Atkinson
    9. 013119
    10. Apple Watch

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  15. Aaren


    1) Niko Lee Watts
    2) was supposed to be later that week/8-18, but it was cancelled
    3) Christina
    4) Wednesday before the murders
    5) sept 1 2017
    6) because of shan’ann’s high BAC
    7) basement
    8) nick Atkinson (17 yo son of her friend)
    9) son’s due date
    10) nothing, just pillows

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  16. Kelly S

    1. Nico Lee watts
    2. Aug. 19th- later cancelled
    3. Chris Watts male friend- brief text exchanged where he later said he ‘felt dick to his stomach’
    4. Aug. 11TH
    5. Sept.1/17
    6.oct 1st DA received docs, asked to keep private until trial was underway
    8. Nick (Nicole’s son)
    9.babys due date was lodged between cushions

    • Kelly S

      🤦‍♀️ ‘felt *SICK* to his stomach’ ***** oh man autocorrect got me good! 😂

  17. Kelly S

    1. Nico Lee watts
    2. Aug. 18th- cancelled
    3. Chris Watts male friend- brief text exchanged where he later said he ‘felt sick to his stomach’
    4. Aug. 11TH
    5. Sept.1/17
    6.oct 1st DA received docs, asked to keep private until trial was underway
    8. Nick (Nicole’s son)
    9.babys due date was lodged between cushions

    • nickvdl

      Thanks for trying Kelly S:

      2-3 = Rookie

  18. bdiddy1

    1. Niko Lee Watts
    2. On Aug. 12th, Shanann had already cancelled her gender reveal. She did have it planned for the 18th
    but cancelled it.
    3. Nichole Attikinson had the envelope with the reveal..
    4. On August 11, Chris canceled and or deleted his Facebook Account
    5. Sept. 1, 2018…edited from 2027 to 2018
    6. Her BAVC was high …reason autopsies were sealed..that’s what we were told by DA
    7. Deeter was in the basement
    8. Nick…Nichol’s son found her phone that was between the sofa cushions
    9. Jan, 31, 2019 Niko’s birthday
    10. There was nothing else found with the phone. It was between the 2 cushions.

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  19. uniacc21arq

    1. Niko Lee Watts
    2. On the week to come, Saturday 18.
    3. Nickole Utoft Atkinson
    4. Thursday August 9th
    5. Sept.1, 2017
    6. The report was sealed until the outcome of the trial.
    7. Three possibilities in this respect are the basement, the upstairs laundry and the inside of a vehicle parked in the garage.
    8. Nick Atkinson
    9. 013119
    10. Purse, wallet and medication — inside.

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

  20. nickvdl

    @Steffie If we don’t have any Gurus or Rocket Scientists over the next 3 days then yes, you may have a second bite at the cherry.

  21. Sylvester

    Or another set of 10 questions, assuming that some might want to look up what they think they got wrong!

  22. McGriff

    1. Initially, before the murders Shan’ann texted friends the unborn baby’s name was spelled “Niko Lee Watts.” Then, the name was changed to “Nico Lee Watts” according to a photograph of the sign marking the grave site in North Carolina.

    2. According to Taylor Welch – August 19, 2018.

    3. Not clear for discovery documents. Shan’ann and Chris Watts knew the name “on behalf of Watts’ family.” Several other people in Shan’ann’s circle of friends knew the name including Nickole and Cassie.

    4. August 9, 2018

    5. September 1, 2017

    6. The Weld County District Attorney argued the autopsy reports should be kept from the public until trial to avoid “tainting witnesses that have not yet been interviewed and impacting future jurors.” The Weld District Court Judge Marcelo Kopcow denied the request to seal the autopsy reports and ordered his Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to consider the prosecution’s Motion to Deny Disclosure of Public Record Pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-72-204(6)(a). Judge Kopcow highlighted in order to seek the relief requested the custodian (Coroner) of the autopsy reports shall be required to file a separate, independent action in Weld County District Court. The Weld County Coroner then filed a separate Petition pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) to restrict disclosure of the autopsy reports because it would cause injury to the public and to preserve the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

    7. Not mentioned in any police report. Officer Coonrod’s Police Body Camera Video isn’t conclusive; however, suggests Deeter may have been sequestered in the basement stairway landing.

    8. Nicolas “Nick”Atkinson

    9. Initially, according to Chris Watts it was a four digit code: 2385. In Arizona, Shan’ann changed it to a six digit code: 013119 according to Nickole Atkinson

    10. Shan’ann’s Apple iWatch was located on a couch located in the upstairs loft underneath the throw pillows.


  23. Nick

    Good job McGriff. Someone has taken some time and done some research. You’ve left multiple answers to questions and sometimes very long – unnecessarily long – answers. Try again with short 1 sentence answers with only 1 possibility and I’ll score that. Think logically.

  24. Maura

    1. Shan’ann texted the baby’s name would be Niko Lee Watts.
    2. Shan’ann cancelled the Gender Reveal Party on 8/08/18.
    3. Nickole Atkinson
    4. Part 1: On 8/09/18 Chris first deleted his Facebook profile.
    Part 2: On 8/11/18 Nichol K. told him he must send Facebook a request to deactivate it which he did
    on 8/11/18.
    5. September 1, 2017
    6. The main reason was Shan’ann’s high blood alcohol content.
    7. Deeter was in the basement.
    8. Nicolas “Nick” Atkinson
    9. The baby’s due date was the code: 013119.
    10. Shan’ann’s Apple Watch was found hidden near her phone in the upstairs loft couch cushions.


    • nickvdl

      Nice job Maura.

      I’m going to give you #4 even though strictly speaking it needs to be one answer and one date.

      8-9 = True Crime Guru

      I think we have a winner. No point in taking it further as I think all other commenters from this point onwards will copy your answers. You should have your book sometime this week or early next week at the latest. Congratulations. Just to confirm, you already have an Amazon account?

      • Maura

        Awesome Nick! Yes, I have an Amazon account. Looking forward to your book.

    • nickvdl

      Hi Maura – Good news, RAPE OF CASSANDRA has just been published which means it’s time to gift you your prize. Please use the CONTACT US so that I have your email address. I’m sure you’re going to find this an interesting read.

  25. McGriff

    Hi Nick,

    Below are my revised/shorter answers.

    1. Nico Lee Watts.

    2. August 18, 2018.

    3. Nickole Atkinson.

    4. August 9, 2018

    5. September 1, 2017

    6. To restrict disclosure because it would cause injury to the public and to preserve the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

    7. Exact location unknown.

    8. Nicolas “Nick” Atkinson

    9. 013119

    10. Throw Pillows.

    • nickvdl

      4-7 = Informed but not quite there yet

      McGriff I’m going to give you a runner’s up prize just because I can see you made a real effort to find your answers.

      Have you read a book on Kindle before?

      FYI to everyone else, this competition is now closed, thanks for participating and better luck next time.

  26. Sylvester

    Can you please post the correct answers here? Also which 1 did Maura miss. Thanks! And congratulations Maura.

    • nickvdl

      Maura got all of them right except #2. It’s a tricky question, but after cancelling the gender reveal party, the gender of the baby was going to be revealed on Monday August 13th as per Chris Watts’ instructions. That decision was made on August 9th but it was still in effect on August 12th. [Discovery Documents page 2109].

  27. Maura

    Thanks Sylvester. #2 was tricky as I was thinking of the texts cancelling the Gender Reveal party.

  28. McGriff

    Hi. NIck,

    Yes. Please email me and I can provide you with the account info. Thanks!

  29. Victoria Jones

    #5 is incorrect. NK first searched for Shanann in 2017.

    Not sure exact day he deleted the Facebook acct., but it was prior to going to NC.

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