Ostrander’s appearance at the scene on Tuesday at 14:00 could be considered a critical contamination of the crime scene at CERVI 319.
True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek
Ostrander’s appearance at the scene on Tuesday at 14:00 could be considered a critical contamination of the crime scene at CERVI 319.
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Kind of expecting to see Troy McCoy’s actual signature there, but oh well. Why would Troy McCoy have parked in that odd place near where Shan’Ann was buried? It couldn’t have been Chris Watts posing as Troy McCoy because he was busy at the house with NUA, her son Nicholas, and the police.
Troy McCoy had some suspicions on Chris and as to why Chris had parked his truck at that place. He had also noticed dirty pants tucked inside his shoes. And also noticed Chris staring in the direction of the grave. So when he heard that Chris family was missing his suspicion grew. But he did not want to contact police just in case Chris was innocent. So he went there himself to investigate and find if something was amiss. He later informed this to police. This information is somewhere in the discovery document.
I recall hearing that interview also. Did chris actually park his truck on top of shanann’s gravesite??? I recall troy mccoy saying how he thought where chris parked his truck was odd but based on what he was saying, i couldn’t really tell where it was parked.
I think Troy McCoy also parked in the same place where Chris was parked the previous day
Gotcha. Thanks for the details.
If it isn’t a “high producing well” as stated in the interview, the timing seems almost too uncanny as to why he would suddenly pump it the day after SW, CW, & BW were dumped. I’d be interested to know who recommended it be pumped or if there is a set schedule.
I thought it was Troy who went there because CW went to that area to defecate. Troy went later to see if CW did indeed use the bathroom there and Troy said CW did. Not 100% if it was Troy who did that though.