Nichol believed Chris was lying about Shannan being OK with moving toward divorce, and that she subsequently encouraged him to work on repairing his marriage prior to his leaving for North Carolina.
That’s all well and good, but I have to agree with the woman’s perspective set forth here yesterday by a poster: The above doesn’t square with sending naked pictures of herself to him on this trip, preparing for anal sex, and searching for wedding gowns for hours. As this poster stated, women don’t do such things if they are resolved to the man in question working things out to stay with his wife and kids. Thus this poster felt NK was testing Chris, and nothing more than that. It’s Nichol’s behavior, and not her words, which reveals her true intentions.
Yes I agree that she was only saying things to make herself look better, to seem unselfish. She probably secretly hoped he would come running to her doorstep like in a romantic movie to declare that she was the one “chosen.” By hinting that other men were pursuing her, she wanted Chris to realize he might not have that choice for much longer and that he needed to put the pedal to the metal.
Yes. She was trying to provoke Chris to get a reaction that would validate her decision to continue seeing him even though she obviously knew that he was still married: “…I’m not going to stop seeing you”, “I made up my mind” and “Are we bad people?”
I do not think NK had a hand in planning or committing a murder or that she was present when it happened. But I also do not think she was as innocent and clueless as she tried to paint herself out to be. She may well have gotten CW to “react” just not the way she imagined…hopefully.
It had also occurred to me, that when she posed questions such as, “Is your lifestyle sustainable?” and, “What would it look like, if you lived on your own?” that she was clearly using the Socratic method on him: Getting him to come to his own conclusion, that Shannan and 3 children would prevent him from ever starting over in decent shape.
Yes, could be for sure! I’m still not convinced that she wanted Chris to kill them all but it sure would be interesting to know what was discussed during that 111 minute phone call on that Sunday night. Especially, since she suspected that Chris was possibly waiting up for Shanann… Did that bother her and make her feel insecure? Did she lay into him and put more pressure on? Hopefully, not realizing it would lead to him “killing the battery?” Hmm…
Here’s something I don’t understand. NK said when she and Chris facetimed (after their call) he was lying on a mattress (wearing a black t shirt) without sheets. We know he used the contour sheet from the master bed to transport Shan’ann to Cervi 319, and put the flat sheet and pillow cases in the trash. But that was AFTER he killed her, or so I assumed. Also the mattress in the master bedroom had a mattress cover on it when Officer Coonrod, and the two Atkinson’s came into the house. So which bed was Watts lying on (in his wife beater black t shirt)? Maybe one of the girl’s beds? That makes no sense either because if he was laundering their sheets and waiting for them to dry while he facetimed Nichole, then he re made the beds to look like they had been slept in (they were turned down and rumpled when Coonrod et. al entered the house). Any thoughts to put me out of my anal misery?
In POST TRUTH, the 100th True Crime Rocket Science [TCRS] title, the world’s most prolific true crime author Nick van der Leek demonstrates how much we still don’t know in the Watts case. In the final chapter of the SILVER FOX trilogy the author provides a sly twist in a tale that has spanned 12 TCRS books to date. The result may shock or leave you with even more questions.
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Book 4 in the TWO FACE series, one of the best reviewed, is available now in paperback!
“Book 4 in the K9 series is a must read for those who enjoy well researched and detailed crime narratives. The author does a remarkable job of bringing to life the cold dark horror that is Chris Watts throughout the narrative but especially on the morning in the aftermath of the murders. Chris’s actions are connected by Nick van der Leek’s eloquent use of a timeline to reveal a motive.”
Nichol believed Chris was lying about Shannan being OK with moving toward divorce, and that she subsequently encouraged him to work on repairing his marriage prior to his leaving for North Carolina.
That’s all well and good, but I have to agree with the woman’s perspective set forth here yesterday by a poster: The above doesn’t square with sending naked pictures of herself to him on this trip, preparing for anal sex, and searching for wedding gowns for hours. As this poster stated, women don’t do such things if they are resolved to the man in question working things out to stay with his wife and kids. Thus this poster felt NK was testing Chris, and nothing more than that. It’s Nichol’s behavior, and not her words, which reveals her true intentions.
Yes I agree that she was only saying things to make herself look better, to seem unselfish. She probably secretly hoped he would come running to her doorstep like in a romantic movie to declare that she was the one “chosen.” By hinting that other men were pursuing her, she wanted Chris to realize he might not have that choice for much longer and that he needed to put the pedal to the metal.
Exactly, her behavior counted, not what she told police afterwards. Her words were as empty as Chris’ lies to his wife in the last week.
Edit to add ^
When there exists a gaping contradiction between words and actions, duplicity is indicated.
Yes. She was trying to provoke Chris to get a reaction that would validate her decision to continue seeing him even though she obviously knew that he was still married: “…I’m not going to stop seeing you”, “I made up my mind” and “Are we bad people?”
I do not think NK had a hand in planning or committing a murder or that she was present when it happened. But I also do not think she was as innocent and clueless as she tried to paint herself out to be. She may well have gotten CW to “react” just not the way she imagined…hopefully.
It had also occurred to me, that when she posed questions such as, “Is your lifestyle sustainable?” and, “What would it look like, if you lived on your own?” that she was clearly using the Socratic method on him: Getting him to come to his own conclusion, that Shannan and 3 children would prevent him from ever starting over in decent shape.
The Socratic method – I like that!
Yes, could be for sure! I’m still not convinced that she wanted Chris to kill them all but it sure would be interesting to know what was discussed during that 111 minute phone call on that Sunday night. Especially, since she suspected that Chris was possibly waiting up for Shanann… Did that bother her and make her feel insecure? Did she lay into him and put more pressure on? Hopefully, not realizing it would lead to him “killing the battery?” Hmm…
It’s most definitely grist for the mill.
Here’s something I don’t understand. NK said when she and Chris facetimed (after their call) he was lying on a mattress (wearing a black t shirt) without sheets. We know he used the contour sheet from the master bed to transport Shan’ann to Cervi 319, and put the flat sheet and pillow cases in the trash. But that was AFTER he killed her, or so I assumed. Also the mattress in the master bedroom had a mattress cover on it when Officer Coonrod, and the two Atkinson’s came into the house. So which bed was Watts lying on (in his wife beater black t shirt)? Maybe one of the girl’s beds? That makes no sense either because if he was laundering their sheets and waiting for them to dry while he facetimed Nichole, then he re made the beds to look like they had been slept in (they were turned down and rumpled when Coonrod et. al entered the house). Any thoughts to put me out of my anal misery?