Do you agree?
Watch and listen to clearer footage at 5:07 at this link.
True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek
In TWO FACE ANNIHILATION, I analyzed and interrogated the notion of “Bella’s Last Words”. That was the headline act of the Second Confession, and the headline Dr. Phil ran with.
There is a psychological mirror in Nut Gate. So when Watts sounds emotional about Bella saying:
“Is the same thing going to happen to me as Ceecee?” This is something Bella repeatedly said, but not at the well site, and not about smothering. About dying in her sleep because of an allergic reaction. Remember, they were sickly children, and Shan’ann’s meltdown over Nut Gate didn’t happen over a single day – it was still stewing during Bella’s birthday, it was still boiling over when Watts was in North Carolina and he wanted to go see his parents. And most crucial of all, we know from the babysitter – McKenna – that as late August 11th, the last day and night of her life, Bella expressed her concern about Ceecee. She said she was worried if she went to sleep, when she woke up Ceecee might not wake up. And this concern for Ceecee naturally affected Bella herself.
“Is the same thing going to happen to me as Ceecee?”
Could the same thing happen to me as Ceecee?
There’s also the criminal psychology aspect. Just as the disposal of the children’s bodies was duplicated, one little body in one tank, another in another tank, it’s also very likely the way they were killed was the same. And it’s for this reason that the irony rings in Watts’ mind, of his own child asking…
“Is the same thing going to happen to me as Ceecee?”
Because in a premeditated scenario, when Bella asked these words, Watts – in his mind – knew what he was going to do, and he knew the answer was yes. And it’s for this reason, when Coder asked him what he answered when Bella asked what’s going to happen to me, Watts claims he can’t remember. But notice the words he uses.
“I don’t remember…if I said yes, like a horrible person…”
Because it would take an especially horrible person to say that in his mind, meanwhile pretending that everything was going to be okay, when it wasn’t.
And hence the scenario he sketches of taking the kids, alive, to the well site, is the same sly scheming as the premeditated murder itself. It’s subtly allowing people to believe what they want to believe, meanwhile in the background the Silver Fox is smiling a cunning smile in his heart of hearts. You may say he’s a bad liar, but he’s fooled the media and he’s fooled most of the armchair detectives who consider themselves experts on what really happened.
There’s a reason Chris Watts can’t remember Bella’s Last Words
In the next episode I’ll be dealing with first my response to the original Dr. Phil show dealing with Bella’s Last Words, as well as what I stated then, in early March, was the original theory of True Crime Rocket Science. This analysis is explicated in rigorous detail in the 7th book in the TWO FACE series – ANNIHILATION.
Chris Watts slept in the basement on the last night he and Shan’ann were still together. And in North Carolina they slept apart for the entire week that he was there. In the latest book on Watts, he says he was read the riot act by Kessinger, and that although she said she wanted him to have a chance to sort things out with his family, when it came down it, she didn’t want him getting back together with Shan’ann while he was away.
If we accept this scenario, then it raises the question: when Shan’ann arrived back from Arizona, why would he sleep in bed upstairs? When he called Kessinger for 111 minutes, wouldn’t she have wanted to know the sleeping arrangements? What would he have told told her to reassure her?
At 23:52 in the video clip, Chris Watts is asked about the bed in the basement. Who is sleeping there? He stumbles over whether it was two or three nights ago. Given his spiel, that they were separating, and he was supposedly sleeping in the basement, why would he – on the night of the murders [the disappearance in his story] – sleep upstairs?
It actually makes sense given Shan’ann’s late arrival. All things being equal, had he not intended to murder her, and had they really been in the process of separating, then he’d have slept in the basement and neither of them would have seen each other the next morning. She would not have woken him up [and he wouldn’t have wanted to be woken up], and he would not have woken her up when he left [and she would not want to be woken after sleeping for two hours].
When we go through the Phone Data Review, we can see that the idea of separating, moving and selling the house had been broached before, which is why the spiel is so unlikely that he was desperate to talk to her then, at 04:00, about something she already knew. The reason he’s doing it, and the reason he’s not in his right mind [and why the whole thing doesn’t make sense], is because through this manufactured drama, he’s confirming to Kessinger that:
Through this Watts is essentially waving a wand and granting Kessinger [and himself] wish fulfillment, which makes total sense to him and her, but makes no sense to anyone else.
At 22:41 in the clip below, the officer asks about the children’s medications. Watts says Ceecee takes Singular every night for her allergies. Then there’s a minor slip.
OFFICER: She had the kids last night?
WATTS [Appearing very smug, his lower jaw hanging open in a dopey-sort of way]: Yes.
OFFICER: Or you had the kids?
WATTS: Oh, I had the kids.
At 30:27 in the clip below, after the officer asks Watts if he has any questions [he doesn’t, but he mentions calling hospitals], he follows up asking about Shan’ann’s medical history. Did someone say she was diabetic, the officer asks.
In response Watts does a nervous lip snarl, and then starts off saying “she had” [past tense], then corrects himself. There is a lot to say here about Shan’ann health, including her pregnancy, but he doesn’t.
There are several revelations in the new book about Chris Watts. Some of these revelations are apparently authored by Watts himself. I don’t believe the botched double attempted murders on his daughters [while Shan’ann was home], but I do think some aspects are true. Like the admission that the lovers had phone sex during their last 111 minute conversation on Sunday.
The 111 Minute Call on Nichol Kessinger’s Phone on the night of the murders
Why can’t Nichol Kessinger Remember her 111 Minute Conversation on the night of the murders?
#40 Sunday August 12th, 2018: The 111 Missing Minutes that Change Everything #1yearagotodayCW
This conversation was their last chance to be together before Shan’ann returned [and possibly ruined everything]. The phone sex claim certainly makes sense given the context that neither Kessinger nor Watts have previously said much regarding what that conversation was about.
Below are a few excerpts from the discovery dealing with that crucial final conversation. Given the rabid coverage of this case, it’s weird the phone sex claim hasn’t come up [as far as I’m aware] in the media.
Coming Soon…
On October 4th, 2019, Britain’s Daily Mail tabloid published an exclusive “preview” of a new book on Chris Watts, Letters from Christopher by American writer Cheryln Cadle.
Near the end of the article, the following information appeared:
Cadle asked him about the claims that Watts gave his wife Oxycodone and he responded with conflicting stories, saying he had given it to her twice – once at her parents’ home in North Carolina to try to cause a miscarriage, and then immediately before her death. He later contradicted himself and said he only gave it to her once in North Carolina.
‘I asked him where he got the Oxy, and he told me that is one of the things he will take to his death,’ Cadle wrote.
The moment Chris Watts said he used Oxycodone [the actual letter refers to Oxycontin] but wouldn’t say where he got it from, it set a cat among the pigeons. On the CrimeRocket forums people immediately begun to spread rumors and gossip. This prompted stern warnings – at least from CrimeRocket – for folks to cease and desist.
What they didn’t realize was by simply attaching a name to this new murderous spiel they were actually implicating someone as a potential accessory in triple murder.
I don’t think this was intentional, and I don’t think Watts or anyone else foresaw this possibility, but you can imagine what it felt like to be one of those names thrown in the hat, and there have been a few.
CrimeRocket has certainly been clear from the get go that Chris Watts alone is guilty and responsible for the Watts Family Murders.
Following this turn of events, a source close to the Watts family contacted CrimeRocket on October 5th and provided the following statement which is from Chris Watts himself. Not only was this statement transcribed and sent via email, but an audio clip of the conversation from Dodge Correctional was provided to CrimeRocket as well.
Furthermore, Chris Watts consented to this statements being sent to and published on CrimeRocket, so there was no underhand recording made without Chris Watts’ knowledge. Chris Watts and the Watts family would like to clear up any confusion about where he got the Oxy from.
The statement reads as follows:
“I gave Shan’ann the oxy on either July 30th or 31st, whichever was the first day I got into North Carolina.* I got the oxy from the bin [in the basement]. It was in Colorado and it was on the plane and I brought it from my house.”
*Watts first day in North Carolina was July 31st.
Source: Daily Mail
A friend of the Watts family has reached out to CrimeRocket to publish the following Guest Post. The statement below has not been edited or redacted in any way.
“Cherlyn Cadle wrote to Christoper Watts three times before he responded. At some point she must’ve caught on to the fact that he was reading the Bible because the third letter that she wrote to him was in regards to his new found Christianity. The context of her letters had changed from the first two at that point, so he responded and third times a charm I guess. So she essentially heckled a murderer into writing her back.
She gained his trust by discussing scripture, and over time she began visiting him. Even visiting him once before his parents ever even learned of her existence. He has been discussing details of the murders with her because he trusted her and believed she was using discretion. He was solely interested in writing about his testimony with Mrs. Cadle. According to Chris Watts he had no interest in writing about his crimes in a book for the world to see.
Once the book release was announced it was news to the Watts that the book was about anything other than spiritual growth and marketed as such. The Watts family are not on board with the release of this book or the way it has been promoted. Cindy Watts declined to read the book prior to release until she found out it was about Christoper Watts crimes.
Once this was discovered she requested a copy and was denied. Mrs. Cadle touted “This book has the ability to help Chris appeal and get a reduced sentence” in one message to Cindy Watts. She continues “did all of you think the book wouldn’t be marketed” in that same exchange.
At this point the Watts family are painfully unaware of the contents of this book and any admissions made by Watts that have been included in it. At this point they are reduced to snippets of the book that are being released by Mrs. Cadle’s promoters. Excerpts of a murderers letters are being dropped like bread crumbs as if they aren’t a part of someone’s own personal nightmare. Reaching out to Mrs. Cadle has proven to be pointless. “It’s too bad Christopher has to deal with this crap while sitting in prison” in another message where Cindy Watts attempted to reach out in regards to the context of this book. It’s a sad situation all the way around.”
The experts are unanimous. Chris Watts is a narcissist. Dr. Phil has said it. Other educated psychologists have said the same. But they’re wrong.
If Watts is a psychopath, and he didn’t get nervous during the lie detector test, then why did he fail it?
This is the TCRS take on the Narcissism Myth:
“What Car did Nickole Atkinson Drive?” This was one of the unexpected questions I was confronted with when trying to visualize the final moments of Shan’ann’s life, when Nickole drove her home from Denver International airport in the early hours of August 13th, 2018.
It was an agonizingly difficult to answer in early September, when I was writing THE MAN UNDERNEATH CHRISTOPHER WATTS. I knew how I wanted to open the narrative – which became a series of 9 books – and I needed Nickole’s car to do that. What car did she drive? At that stage there was no bodycam footage. It wasn’t even certain what color or what type of vehicle Niockole’s car was.
It took a thorough search of Nickole’s Facebook timeline to come across a small handful of references to her car. Like this one.
And this.
In the screengrab of a video [below] it’s almost possible to see the brand of the vehicle on the steering column.
When I posted an audio excerpt of the book onto YouTube recently, some listeners were quick to point out [obviously with the benefit of the bodycam footage] that Nickole’s car isn’t a “battered Mitsubishi”.
Some said it was a Chevy Malibu, which isn’t a bad stab at it except the rear lights don’t line up and the logo is very prominent.
It does look like it could be a Mitsubishi [see below], but it’s not. When I reviewed the data I wondered what made me think it was a Mitsubishi to begin with?
Well, it was this image.
The first time I saw this image, I looked closely and saw the Mitsubishi name and logo, and GT on the right hand side. But I should have looked even closer. Above Mitsubishi was the word DART although the font made it hard to make out. Was the D an O or a 0? Was it 0art? The letter “E” was also peeking out beside Nicolas’ star-spangled shirt. That ought to have been a clue too.
As one YouTube commenter rightly pointed out, Nickole’s car is a DODGE DART, a vehicle that was discontinued in 2016. The image below is missing the GT but the one below it has the GT on the right, just as Nickole’s car does.
Although there are a couple of permutations of the Dodge logo, and often in either red or black, the Mitsubishi logo is still pretty distinct.
This [below] was the original post.
In the scheme of things, the make and color of Nickole Atkinson’s vehicle wasn’t relevant to the facts of the Watts case, but it’s still important that True Crime Rocket Science gets the details [even the unimportant ones] right.
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