True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek



  1. Ange

    Please, where can I find the Atkinsons transcripts to read, not to listen to
    Thanks so much

  2. madyson roberts

    learning more and more about the Chris watts case today, as I am currently writing an essay for my law class and have chosen this horrible case as my topic.

  3. Julie Hay

    Hello Nick,
    I am quite new to your channel on, only a few weeks, and, I am so impressed. For several years I have put off purchasing a Kindle because I like paper books, but I always felt guilty about the amount of paper and the destruction of habitat to produce books. I also was worried about buying a Kindle because they are made from rare earth metals and again the destruction of habitat to produce them. Everything us humans do is destructive. Anyway, a few days prior to Xmas just gone (xmas 2020), I decided to purchase a Kindle so I could read all your books that are currently free. Then I will begin purchasing some. You are indeed a good crime writer, your analysis, impartiality, thoroughness, your professionalism, and your integrity is wonderful. I, personally am captivated by the Chris Watts Case, like so many people, and likely for the same reasons. I do not watch mainstream television media, I don’t watch any television at all. I do, however know what is going on, in the “big picture”. Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on about what I think and beat the drum about all the existential threats we and all creatures face. Chris and Shan’ann Watts were, in my view, products of this sick global society we live in. She, over time destroyed him, and he in the end destroyed her. “It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” Jiddu Krishnamurti. We live in a very sick global society, which is collapsing all around us.
    Thankyou for your attention to detail, and the way you challenge people’s thought processes.
    I actually cannot help feeling sorry for Chris Watts. He was treated shockingly. I certainly don’t condone his actions in the end when he annihilated his family, peacefully, then trashed them horrifically, especially the girls, stomping on Bella’s head to force her into the tank, that is what horrifies me the most. His silent hidden anger and hatred came out in the treatment of the bodies of his family. That is why I say in summary, that she, Shan’ann, destroyed him, then he, Chris Watts, ultimately destroyed her, shocking truly shocking, and their little girls were collateral damage I guess.
    Thankyou very much Nick Van Der Leek.

  4. Susan Bambusch

    How you could possibly include the words “annihilated his family, peacefully” in the same sentence is appalling to me. Your comment speaks more to those convoluted in thoughts morally from a “sick society” than any I have ever read. Shan’ann did not destroy Chris. Each of us are responsible for boundaries in protection of our self actualization. I am shocked at your comment and, if I had to guess, I’d peg you at 28 or younger. Coming from a dysfunctional family or some degree and drowning in lack of true regard not to mention registering extremely low on empathy. Shocking.

    • crimerocket_pmfrt4

      Because when family members are killed via chemicals or poison, that’s exactly what they’re trying to do – commit a heinous crime non-violently. When you have time, give this a listen:

  5. Lynda

    This case becomes more confusing as time goes on. I have read that Nicole Kessenger knew Shannan well before the murders and either her or her family had invested in 1 of Shannan s schemes and lost a lot of money or were never paid back. Then there are theories Chris planned to blow up the sight where he left the bodies. I don’t think this was a clear cut case of him snapping and killing her and the kids just because he met a new women. People have mentioned who claim to know more about Shannan that she was not well liked because she owed people a lot of money. Those people who say that are often shut down and accused of being horrible or making up rumours about a dead women but I think when you owe a lot of people money and keep on doing it then eventually you find someone takes action. I think in this case there are more people involved and it runs much deeper and over a much longer time than just 6 months of an affair that Nicole claims. I think she knew Chris well before then and eventually with other people a plan was made unfortunately Chris confessed the way he did and now case over. I can’t even really be sure he did what he said because some of that didn’t make sense. It really needs to be investigated further there is something very wrong with this case it just has too many things that in other circumstances would be investigated and yet in this case not so.

  6. Carol Smart

    Wow! Thank you for exploring non duality in relation to this case and life in general. It’s easier to see things as black and white than to look at all of the gray around us. If you label someone as a psychopath or a narcissist then they are the “other”. You can say I’m not that so I would never do that or that would never happen to me. In reality, isn’t anyone capable of anything given the right circumstances? That’s a terrifying prospect. Thank you for everything you do and for making us look beyond the sensational and superficial. * A sad and interesting note: Homicide is the number 1 case of death in pregnant women.

  7. Tiff Walsh

    G’day there from Australia, Awesome work you’re doing! I’ve always wondered how CW knew his girls would fit through those tiney hatches on top of the oil wells! Even after he confessed to the investigators, they found it very hard to believe. As far as I can gather so far,there wasn’t very much forensic evidence of the girls being squeezed through. So how the blazes did he know he’d be able to dispose of them that way!? Keep up the great work! Be kind to yourself,stay safe. Tiff

  8. Leigh Binkley

    Hello Nick, I have followed everything you have posted on UTUBE though I have subscribed through my computer because I am not on face book. I did want to tell you that the drug that is in the oxy family is Oxytocin and it is a hormone used to induce labor and can cause contractions if it is used to produce a miscarriage. You may already know this but thought I would just post this. I’m sure Chris Watts used what was on hand but the drug (if you can get your hands on it without a prescription) is Oxytocin. I have enjoyed reading everything you have written on this case and think you are an exceptional investigator/writer. You have certainly taken this case to a deep level and it has enlightened me a great deal. It has answered all of the questions I had about this case. Leigh Binkley

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